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These 14 Lap Dog Breeds Stick to Their Owners Like Glue

lap dog breeds
Photo by Alexandra Morrison Photo from Shutterstock

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

D’aww! Just look at its adorable face! It’s impossible to say no when it wants to come and snuggle with you. The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is my first choice for our list of lap dog breeds, and trust me, it was hard to choose. For generations, this dog breed has been a prominent figure in both pop culture and history.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniels are a wonderful lap dog breed since they are such a peaceful kind. Because they get along nicely with kids, other dogs, and pets, they make excellent family dogs.


Though they don’t weigh much over six pounds, Chihuahuas have a lot of personality making them one of the most adorable lap dog breeds. They are quick, clever, and devoted to their owners.

Chihuahuas are developed for warm climates, thus they love to cuddle even if they frequently feel chilly. However, even if they love the company of kids they might prefer an adult’s lap over a child’s.

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