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These 14 Lap Dog Breeds Stick to Their Owners Like Glue

lap dog breeds
Photo by Drazen Zigic from Shutterstock

Shih Tzu

Shih Tzus are wonderful family pets and love indoors, which is why they are a favorite among celebrities and aristocracy. They were so adored by the Ming dynasty that they were adopted as household pets.

These dogs won’t need much activity, so sitting on your lap will make them quite happy.


Little Havanese dogs are very loving and devoted. They will be so attached to you that it will be odd for them to be apart from you. The Havanese dog is the national dog of Cuba since it is the only breed that originated there.

Same as the Shih Tzu, Havanese are ideal lap dogs since they need plenty of love and care but not much activity. It is an ideal dog breed for elders.

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