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Here Are 10 Low-Energy Dogs That Will Guard Your Home

expensive low-energy dog
Photo by Marie A. Dolphin from Shutterstock

Saint Bernard

Saint Bernards are also on this list, and they’re probably the biggest ones because they tend to grow up to 180 lbs.

The Saint Bernard is a rather playful and charming low-energy dog breed, super patient with children, and incredibly affectionate with other family members.

They are well-known for their lazy bones, as they would rather lounge around and drool on the couch than engage in any kind of strenuous physical activity. Whatever you do, don’t let Saint Bernard’s gentle demeanor trick you.

These low-energy dogs are extremely aware of their surroundings and are always alert for threats.

They will protect you from strangers and are always ready to defend their family. Their huge bodies and their equally massive bark are two of the many qualities that make Saint Bernard the perfect protection dog.

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