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Here Are 10 Low-Energy Dogs That Will Guard Your Home

teddy bear dogs low-energy dog
Image By Danita Delimont From Shutterstock

Great Pyrenees

The Great Pyrenees is a particular breed that has been developed to guard herds of sheep and defend them from wolves if that’s the case. Their heritage gave them a rather calm but watchful nature.

These low-energy dogs that can grow as big as 100 lbs. might seem quiet at first, but they will spring right into action with amazing agility and confidence, especially when the situation requires them to do so.

Pyrs are extremely affectionate dogs, but they also need a steady introduction, socialization, and supervision to interact in a safe manner with other animals and children.

However, with the right training and a well-established relationship with their owners, these dogs can be easily taught to work independently and make on-the-spot decisions, especially when they sense a dangerous situation.

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