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8 Subtle Signs Your Dog Is Constipated

dog mental illness your dog is constipated
Photo by Lukas Maverick Greyson from Shutterstock

How vets treat their dog’s constipation

For some of the mildest cases of constipation, the vet will give your dog some fluids and then remove the feces.

An enema that’s performed by a vet is much more effective in fixing a case of mild constipation.

For more moderate to severe cases of constipation, your dog might have to go under general anesthesia so your vet can effectively remove the impacted fecal matter.

Constipation in little dogs

If you think your little dog is constipated, then that’s quite rare, since little dogs usually don’t get constipated.

What straining puppies struggle with is diarrhea, so make sure you pay attention to the differences.

Newborn puppies have to be manually stimulated by their mother or pet parent in order to urinate or defecate on a regular basis. If they suffer from any structural anomalies, this might slow down the digestion of food.

If you found this article useful, then you also need to try this: 5 Alarming Signs Your Dog Has a Mental Illness

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