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7 Clear Signs Your Dog Is Living Its Best Life

Have you ever wondered if your dog is living its best life?

We’re used to seeing our pups wiggling their tails and jumping around when we come home. As pup owners, we all want to believe our furry friends are as happy as they make us. But how can we be sure they enjoy living with us?

Pooches might not be able to tell us in words, but they communicate their needs and emotions in so many other ways—through their playful behaviors, funny barks, and even those soulful puppy eyes.

If you were wondering whether your dog is living its best life or not, you should know it goes beyond belly rubs and daily walks. Experts say a pup is joyful when it receives mental stimulation, physical health, emotional security, and social engagement.

So, is your dog getting enough exercise to burn off energy? Are they bored or stressed when you’re away? Do you pay attention to their diets? Answer these questions, because they’ll give you plenty of insight regarding your relationship with your furry friend.

We know you want some answers, so we’ll discuss all the telltale signs your dog is living its best life. After all, our pups give us their best every day—it’s time to make sure they’re getting the same in return! Let’s dive in!

breed, your dog is living its best life
Photo by Parilov from Shutterstock

1. Happy facial expression

If you immediately want to see if your dog is living its best life, pay attention to their facial expressions. Do they keep their mouths open and relaxed? Did you see they have loose jaws that look like they’re smiling with the corners of their mouth turned up?

A happy pooch may show its pearly white teeth when its mouth is relaxed and open, but it’s completely different when it’s angry (bared teeth and lips curled back). If you notice these signs, you’ll be happy to hear that your dog is living its best life.

A happy pup with an open, relaxed mouth typically has a calm body posture and doesn’t breathe heavily or rapidly, so don’t mistake this for panting. Speaking of that, panting in four-legged friends can be a sign of overexertion, anxiety, or underlying medical conditions that may require attention, so take them to the vet if you notice any of these concerning signs.

2. Bouncy and loose stride

Pay attention to your gorgeous pup the next time you take them out for a walk. If they’re happy and content, you’ll notice their relaxed body language and muscles. According to expert animal behaviorists, if your dog is living its best life, you’ll see its smooth and bouncy gait.

Your pup will also display normal pooch behavior, such as sniffing at flowers and plants or engaging with people and other friendly pets passing by.

When your furry friend is thriving and is happy with your company and the life you offer, they’ll take their time to explore everything around them. Poor leash manners, such as pulling on the leash and walking far ahead instead of by your side, shouldn’t be a concern if your pooch enjoys the walk.

3. Soft, relaxed gaze

If your dog is living its best life, you can tell by looking at their facial expressions. A content pup, for example, will typically have a soft gaze with eyes opened wide. Moreover, they may blink their eyes frequently.

And here’s the thing that will make your heart melt: their beautiful and soft gaze usually means affection and love. The look on your puppy’s face will surely stimulate your oxytocin levels (the love hormone).

Speaking of oxytocin, this hormone strengthens the love bond between you and your pup. If you think you’re the only one falling in love every time you gaze into your pup’s gorgeous eyes, think again—your furry friend is falling for you more and more with each tender glance.

your dog is living its best life
Photo by WilleeCole Photography from Shutterstock

4. Play bow stance

When your dog is feeling super playful and excited, you might see them drop their chest to the ground while keeping their fluffy butt up in the air. This adorable pose is called a play bow, and it’s their way of saying, “Let’s have some fun!” They’ll often do this right before starting a play session to let you know they’re ready to jump into action.

But don’t worry—this playful stance doesn’t mean your dog wants to play rough with you, even though dogs can get rough when playing with each other. It’s just their way of showing they’re full of energy and ready to enjoy some active time together.

5. Zoomies

Have you ever noticed your pup running from one place to another, jumping, coming at you, then quickly running in a different direction? When your furry companion starts racing around the Ping-Pong table, you can be certain your dog is living its best life.

The technical term for this cute behavior is zoomies and cats experience it too. Zommies are nothing more than random bursts of enthusiasm that are meant to release pent-up energy. This excess energy can stem from excitement, like seeing a favorite family member return home or when their bath time ends.

However, keep in mind that pups can also get the zoomies if they feel uncomfortable or anxious. But there’s no need to worry too much about it, because if your pooch starts zooming around the yard or in the living room at home while also displaying other signs of contempt mentioned on this list, you can be certain your dog is living its best life.

dog facts, your dog is living its best life
Photo by Dvorakova Veronika from Shutterstock

6. Normal appetite

A happy furry friend will gladly gobble down their favorite food at mealtime. Just like us, puppies feel better and more at ease when their bellies are full. If you ever notice your pup refusing to eat, pay attention to how they feel and act, because it may signal an emotional health issue or a physical problem that requires your attention ASAP.

As with many other things, every pup has its own appetite and eating habits. For instance, some of them may take their time and nibble on a few pieces of kibble whenever they feel like it, while others may accidentally knock you over in their eagerness to reach their food bowl.

Even though a healthy appetite can be a sign your dog is living its best life, it’s not a guaranteed indicator of happiness, so think of it as a component of other signs mentioned in today’s article.

7. Friendly demeanor

Is your dog friendly and social? If the answer to this question is yes, you’ll be happy to hear that your fluffy one is content with you and its life. A joyful pooch likes to hang out with friendly people and pets.

For instance, if your dog loves to interact with other pups, like running around at the pup, or happily greets your friends or family members when they come to visit, you can be certain your dog is living its best life.

However, take this with a pinch of salt, because every pup is different, and some of them prefer to stay alone when they feel cheerful. In case your pooch is thrilled but doesn’t feel like hanging with people or other dogs, you don’t need to force it or be concerned.

According to experts, some breeds, such as Bernese mountain dogs, basset hounds, and greyhounds, are more independent and prefer to hang out by themselves. If you have any of these dog breeds at home, don’t worry; they can be very happy.

What do you think about these telltale signs your dog is living its best life? Do any of them resonate with your furry companion? There’s so much more to explore on this topic, so if you’d love to see part two, let us know in the comments—we’ll make it happen sooner than you think!

Speaking of wiggly pups, if you’re looking for a way to have fun with your furry family member, here’s a toy worth checking out! It’s sure to bring smiles all around and strengthen your bond. Until next time, here’s another great post from Cute Animal Planet to check out: 11 Lap Dogs That Are Perfect for Snuggling


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