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Here Are 10 Low-Energy Dogs That Will Guard Your Home

anatolian shepherd low-energy dog
Photo by Tehsin Baravi from Shutterstock

Anatolian Shepherd

The Anatolian Shepherd is a rather dominant breed, and it can turn out to be extremely stubborn.

Moreover, they tend to grow up to 150 lbs, so without firm handling, early training, and proper socialization, they might have their own rebellious moments, so to speak. Quite often, actually.

It’s also worth mentioning that the breed has a hard time adjusting to family life, and they find it a bit difficult to relate to kids.

However, it is definitely a low-energy dog that will properly guard your home. It’s extremely vigilant and has a very strong drive for work.

You won’t have to worry that the dog might need too much physical and mental stimulation in order to successfully thrive.

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