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Top 8 Most Expensive Dog Breeds in the World

Photo by otsphoto from Shutterstock

#4 Azawakh ($9,500)

This unusual long-nosed dog breed, which resembles a greyhound, is extremely slim and unquestionably elegant. The Azawakh appears underweight at first glance, but for more than a thousand years, this lean breed thrived chasing gazelles through the Saharan sands.

Don’t put off starting your puppy’s training because they are highly clever, quite independent, and reserved around strangers. However, they are incredibly affectionate when around their human friends. Azawakhs are a classy and regal breed and are among the least likely breeds of dog to drool and have no “dog odor.”

Azawakh can live for 12 to 15 years on average with good pet care and regular runs or walks. They keep you in shape, too, because they only exercise when their owner is around!

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