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These 8 Animals Can Live Well Over 100 Years!

Photo by Lewis Burnett from Shutterstock

1. Greenland shark

The first entry on our list of the longest-living animals is the greenland shark. Located 7,000 feet deep in the icy waters of the North Atlantic and Arctic Oceans, you’ll find the ancestral home of the longest-living vertebrate in the world.

The recently discovered 400-year-old female Greenland shark left everyone stunned, setting the record for the oldest living vertebrate.

This shark species is a slow-moving apex predator that is known to live for a minimum of 270 years, with an average lifespan of 390 years. If you think this is impressive, here’s the maximum lifespan of a Greenland shark: 512 years! Now that’s definitely one of the longest-living animals!

Here’s a very interesting encyclopedia you may want to have if you want to learn more about sharks and other creatures of the deep.

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