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These 7 Low-Energy Dogs Are Definitely Couch Potatoes

low energy
Image By Vikotikk From Envato Elements


Given how a lot of people learn about greyhounds from the fact that they are race dogs or because they see them in racing videos, it is very surprising to many to find out that they are a low-energy breed! Sure, they are quite large dogs and are super fast when they run, but while they are all of these things, their energy and speed bursts are more often than not short-lived.

If you are looking for a total couch potato, then you may just have found one. Greyhounds do well with short daily walks, and as long as they get the zoomies out and run a bit in the park, their favorite activity is getting to snuggle on the couch with their owners! Believe it or not, despite their size, they make great apartment pets because they do just love to curl up and sleep a lot of the time.

However, just because they are low energy and do not have many energy requirements does not mean you can leave them alone for long periods of time. They are social dogs and leaving them alone the whole day will not do them any good. What’s more, since they have a heightened prey drive, they may not be the best pairing for a cat household, and you should be careful when you walk or train them so they do not suddenly take off after a squirrel!

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