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7 Everyday Items That Are Toxic for Pets

7 Innocent-Looking Household Items That Could Send Your Pet to the ER

Pet owners know how easy it is to overlook potential risks. Many common cleaning supplies or foods are perfectly safe for humans but extremely dangerous for pets. Understanding which items can represent a threat to our pets can make all the difference in protecting our furry companions.

Taking care of our pets means more than just feeding and cuddling them – it’s about creating a safe environment. So, no matter if you are a dog or a cat parent, we are ready to share all the tips and tricks you need to safeguard your home from hidden dangers. We’ll cover everything from common foods that seem safe to household chemicals that can put our furry friends’ lives in danger.

Think about your home for a moment. There’s food in the kitchen and the pantry, some cleaning products under the sink, plants in the living room, and some makeup or self-care products on your bathroom counter. To you, they’re just regular items, but to your pet, they could be serious threats.

As we all know, pets, especially dogs and cats, tend to be extremely curious. So, they end up sniffing and ingesting things they shouldn’t. Keep in mind that some pets don’t need to eat a whole lot to experience a harmful reaction. For sensitive furry animals, even small amounts of common food can lead to severe poisoning.

Toxic items
Image by marialevkina from Shutterstock

Emergency visit to the vet

As a pet owner, I can speak from experience when I say that no one ever wants to be faced with an emergency visit to the vet, especially when it’s because of something as avoidable as a toxic household item. I remember the time when my dog, Buster, got into a bottle of ibuprofen I thought was safely tucked away in the cabinet. A short moment of distraction turned everything into a nightmare I am still trying to forget. The panic, the dread… I remember everything like it was yesterday.

Thankfully, I caught it in time, but the entire situation was a wake-up call that made me realize just how many risks I often overlook. We tend to focus on ourselves and assume that if a space is safe for us, it’s exactly the same for our dogs. Well, that’s completely wrong.

Many substances can be lethal for our pets. Let’s take chocolate for example. The majority of owners know how dangerous it is for dogs. But did you know that caffeine, can also cause serious issues for them? We enjoy our coffees daily, without even thinking that they could represent a huge hazard for our pets. I just realized that most pet owners aren’t fully aware of the household items that can harm their animals. I am in the same boat. So, let’s learn together which are the most dangerous items for our pets.

Image by Sebastian Duda from Shutterstock

7 Household items that can harm our pets

1. Chocolate

We all hear chocolate is bad for our pets, but do we really know why? Theobromine and caffeine are the main toxic components in chocolate, which we know as coffee beans or cocoa beans. The amounts depend on the brand or type of chocolate. However, even a small amount ingested can cause dangerous health issues.

Keep in mind that the most important thing you can do as an owner is estimate how much chocolate your pet has ingested and not delay the trip to the hospital. Unfortunately, a long list of issues involving the heart and central nervous system can be caused by chocolate. Some of these are anxiety, tremors, seizures, and coma due to CNS stimulation, high blood pressure, and a slowed or increased heart rate.

2. Pain medications

Common types of medication such as Tylenol or other aspirin-free pain medications can be toxic to both dogs and cats, but cats are the most affected. The substances found in these medications can have severe changes to the red blood cells and result in brown or blue mucous membranes (gums). And that’s not all! Cats can also have severe facial and paw swelling due to acetaminophen ingestion. So, be extremely cautious when it comes to medications! Place these kinds of things far away from your beloved pets.

3. Batteries

It may sound crazy at first, but trust me, it’s not impossible! Pets tend to chew on everything, but the ingestion of the whole battery can lead to clinical signs including pain, hypersalivation, oral inflammation and ulceration, vomiting, anorexia, and bleeding due to battery acid exposure. X-rays should be taken to see if there are battery parts in the GI tract.

In case your pet swallows a battery seek immediate veterinary attention!

4. Cigarette ingestion

If you are a smoker, you know how easy it can be for your pet to steal your cigarettes. However, think twice before letting cigarettes and tobacco products lying around your house. All tobacco products contain nicotine, and cigarettes have varying degrees of nicotine in them.

Keep in mind that in the case of cigarette ingestion, clinical signs develop quickly (15-30 minutes) and include hyperexcitability, fast breathing, and diarrhea. If you don’t seek to veterinary immediately after your pet ingests nicotine, your furry friend might experience muscle weakness, twitching, and even coma.

In case of an emergency, the case should be immediately presented to a veterinarian for decontamination and medical care.

Image by Constantine Pankin from Shutterstock

5. Grapes

Not much information is known about why grapes are toxic for pets. They are still a mystery when it comes to toxicity. However, it’s essential to remember that it’s not dose-dependent, meaning that even a small amount of grape ingestion could cause a serious problem for some dogs.

The pets, especially the dogs would have emesis (vomiting) induced and baseline kidney values measured. Most of them will be admitted to the hospital for 48 of intravenous fluids.

The treatments usually vary because there are a lot of facts that should be taken into consideration. So, the degree of sensitivity to grapes will be the one to determine how the pet is treated.

6. Toilet water

Have your pet ever drank from the toilet bowl? It’s funny how all the pet owners are trying their best to ensure a safe space for their furry little friends and spend a lot of money on pet-care items, but end up dealing with this kind of situation.

Most Americans use drop-in products which could be very dangerous for pets. Due to dilution of the toxin in the toilet tank and bowl the concentration is usually not very high.

Remember that clinical signs include gastrointestinal irritation which could include diarrhea and vomiting.

7. Mushrooms

Last but not least, be careful with mushrooms! These are commonly found in our backyards or parks and can be lethal to dogs and cats.

Clinical signs can occur as soon as 20 minutes after ingestion and they include vomiting, seizures, bleeding, cardiac arrhythmias, liver failure, and even death.

Always look for your dog when you go out for your daily walks. A single moment of distraction can cost you the life of your beloved companion.

Before leaving, check out thisĀ great toy for your furry friend! It’s a chewing bone with a beef taste. Can you imagine a better gift? The real-looking bone shape makes it easy for your pet to recognize, creates a positive association with toys for dogs, and reduces their anxiety and boredom. If you are not sure about the purchase, just check out the toy’s reviews! Many owners expressed their opinions about it.

Are you interested in learning more about pets? This article is for you: 7 Clear Signs Your Dog Is Living Its Best Life!


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