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Cat Whisperer! 7 Best Ways to Get Any Cat to Like You

Do you have what it takes to become a cat whisperer?

Truth be told, anyone can become a cat whisperer! And it can be pretty easy to get a cat to like you if you know how to present yourself to them!

Many people end up disliking cats because they believe that these animals dislike them.

And while some cats may just hate everyone, in reality, it is just because we are not used to approaching and befriending cats.

They are curious creatures by nature, so we understand why some people take it personally when cats always avoid them like the plague!

But while you can take some courage, if they totally avoid you, it may be because you have done something that made them feel unsafe around you.

Most likely, even some goofy, well-intentioned actions can make a cat not like them.

To get you from being enemy number 1 to cat whispering, we brought you the best tips to bond with a kitty so you can get any cat to love you in no time.

If you’re ready to make a cat feel secure and safe and are up for some feline snuggles, keep on reading!

cat whisperer
Image By Magui RF From Shutterstock

1. Do not make eye contact

While dogs are used to you staring into their souls, cats are actually not comfortable maintaining gazes. If you often try to maintain a cat’s gaze, it may be one of the reasons why they do not like to be around you.

Cats perceive direct eye contact as an intimidation tactic, as they often do not take their eyes off their prey when hunting. So if you make eye contact with them, they will think you are trying to intimidate them and even make them a target.

As a response, they will definitely become fearful of you and can even get aggressive if you try to approach them.

So do yourself a favor and do not stare into a cat’s eyes, no matter how pretty their eyes may be.

2. Slow blink

You may have heard that slow blinking may be the key to a cat’s heart. This is also partially related to the fact that they do not enjoy having staring contests.

In cat language, slow blinking is a sign of trust since, when you close your eyes, you are vulnerable to anyone sneaking up on you. Research done on the topic has also revealed that felines actually like it when people slow-blink at them.

Do not think about how fast a blink is generally; you should be slowly narrowing your eyes, or something similar, moving in slow motion if you will.

Cat behaviorists and researchers have also uncovered that over time if you upkeep this habit, you can get a cat to slowly blink back at you, which means you have successfully gained their trust!

So think about the slow blink as serving two functions: the first is that if you make the motion, you will signal to the cat that you are not a threat, and in time, you will be making yourself more approachable to them!

It’s always worth a try!

cat whisperer
Image By Pogodina Natalia From Shutterstock

3. Be mindful of their space

One mistake that many make when they are approaching a cat is that they move too fast or try to invade their space. This will immediately make any cat that does not know you consider you a threat.

Cats do not like it when people come towards them, even if you have the best of intentions. They like to be the ones to approach if and when they want to.

This is exactly why you see them try to approach all the people who make a point of avoiding them! So if you are allergic and you are always a cat magnet, this may be the reason why!

If you want to earn a cat’s trust and affection, you should refrain from trying to pick it up or pet it and respect its space.

In between a lot of people vying for their affection and invading their space, you will soon see them coming to you.

4. Make sure they want to be touched

Tell us if this sounds familiar. You were in the presence of a cat, and when you tried to pet it, it suddenly tried to bite you!

It seems like it happened out of the blue, but in reality, it may be that you have been ignoring the “I’m done” messages that the cat has been sending you.

The most obvious one is that they are swinging their tail back and forth in a fast manner, which means they are agitated and even annoyed.

Otherwise, you can always check to see if they are up for being pets.

Offer your finger and see if they interact with it in any way. The best sign that you are free to pet is if they push their heads against your hand.

That’s the clearest sign that you can go ahead and pet them since they are up for love.

Keep in mind that this does not mean that you can pet them for the next 10 minutes, but rather that the next up to six pets are welcomed.

5. Do not raise your voice

Obviously, no animal will like it if you yell at them. This goes without saying with any type of pet, no matter if they’re cats, dogs, or parrots!

However, know that cats have never been fans of loud sounds, even if you are not yelling.

Even if you are energetic and your voice is more booming than usual, you can end up frightening a cat, which can easily send them running to hide under the couch or bed in a matter of minutes.

The way to a cat’s heart is to talk softly and calmly, which will make a cat want to be around you.

If you were wondering why cat owners generally babytalk their cats, it is because of this reason.

cat whisperer
Image BY Tanya Dol From Shutterstock

6. Bribery works

If you want to know the quickest way to a cat’s heart, then you came to the right place. It is no news to any cat owner that cats love treats and their food.

So the old saying that the way into a person’s heart is through their stomach is also true for cats.

While some cats are not food-motivated or curious, most cats are going to appreciate a good treat. Some cat owners even train their cats using treats.

If you want to get closer to your cat, try to pet it several times after giving it its food, then walk away. Do this every time you feed it.

Eventually, you should switch and first pet the cat, then give them their food. With time, the kitty will associate your pets with the good things that follow.

In a way, this is how you condition a cat to like you since they will associate you with something they like, like food. This can also work when it comes to play, but most cats are food-motivated.

Since they do love a good treat, you should have one on you that will catch their attention. A good thing is to check in with the owners to see what treats they are allowed. Otherwise, one that rarely fails is the Churu lickable cat treat!

7. Use their body language to your advantage

Another way to get a cat to lower their guard and not perceive you as suspicious is to mirror its body language.

Cat behaviorists suggest that if a cat looks at you and then looks away, you should mimic their move. Almost without fail, the cat will then go back to looking at you.

In a way, you are showing them that you do not want to invade their space, and this will make them both more comfortable with you and more intrigued by your presence.

If you go to pet them after they stop looking at you, you can expect a cat to be offended and even turn aggressive if they do not trust you.

The key with most cats is to be patient and let them approach you on their own terms since they are more reserved than other more sociable pets like dogs!

If you have a cat or want to understand them better, we recommend that you get familiar with the sounds they make and what they mean. Check out our guide for cat sounds here!


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