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Why Do Random Dogs Like You? 11 Possible Reasons

You seem to attract dogs like a magnet. Have you wondered why dogs like you? 

If you notice that there’s always a furry buddy who is excited to say hello, jump on you, or randomly start to lick your hands whether you’re in the park, out on a stroll, or just relaxing in your neighborhood.

Could it be because dogs are social creatures, or maybe because you’re a good person and they sense it? Are you curious why you attract dogs so much? You might be surprised to learn that there’s more to it than just your vibes and scent.

Keep reading to learn the hilarious and endearing reasons why dogs can’t get enough of you!

dogs like you
Photo by Yury Nikolaev from Shutterstock

Your body language shows more than you imagine

When it comes to connecting with dogs, body language is crucial. They can sense whether you’re an easygoing, open-minded person right away based on the way you move. If people notice that you’re not nervous or cautious, dogs on the other hand could be more inclined to approach you.

Dogs are far more inclined to approach you when you avoid establishing direct eye contact and bend your body slightly to the side since these cues convey that you’re approachable and kind. Additionally, they are more inclined to socialize with people who make them feel comfortable and protected.

They can feel your love for animals in general

Another reason why dogs like you is because they can feel your affection towards animals. Dogs are extremely perceptive animals, and they can detect a person’s level of empathy and love for animals. Dogs have a way of knowing if you genuinely love and appreciate animals. They will want to befriend you more if they observe you treating other animals with kindness and respect.

Your voice is soothing and gentle

Dogs are drawn to those who talk in a peaceful or soothing tone of voice because they are very perceptive of vocal tones. They can also find your quiet voice and compassionate tone extremely appealing. Additionally, soothing and quiet speech can promote relaxation and comfort in dogs.

It’s important to also have these qualities if you seek to adopt a puppy. They will instantly befriend someone calm, nice, and friendly compared to someone who is noisy and has a temper.

You enjoy playing with them

Are you a person who enjoys long walks, jumping, and hugging animals? Then there is no doubt that dogs like you! Since they are fun-loving animals who love playing, they will find it nice if you enjoy playing fetch, running after a ball, or simply spending time with them.

Dogs are very loyal, probably the most loyal of all animals, and because of that, they desire simple things like a pat on the head, a treat, and a little bit of your time. They know we are busy, but they deserve love, so it would be a pity not to offer them. Especially when they beg it with those adorable eyes!

You had dogs as pets before

Were you a dog owner back in the day, but you lost your furry friend due to old age? Well, this is a huge reason for dogs to like you. Believe it or not, dogs have an awesome memory, and they can establish deep connections with people based on their past experiences.

They will identify you as someone nice, kind, and respectful toward them if you have a history of having pleasant experiences with dogs.

dogs like you
Photo by In Green from Shutterstock

Dogs are attracted to your body warmth

In the winter months especially, dogs are naturally attracted to the warmth of the human body. Dogs find your body heat to be quite attractive, and they may seek you out to be warm and comfortable.

If you’re the type of person who emanates warmth and friendliness, don’t be surprised if the pooch comes to your bed for cuddles. Both of you will sleep better when you’re together, and this is actually backed by science.

Sleeping together with a dog might seem safe and comfortable because of their protective behavior, warm body, and steady pulse.

You may have toys and treats with you

Because they are sociable animals, dogs are frequently driven by motivation. They will probably be drawn to you if you have goodies or toys that they find fun and interesting.

They will genuinely like you because they sense in you a person who is willing to spend time with them and do funny things together.

Rena’s Recipe Jerky Smoke Flavor Dog Treats are a great way to spoil your pet! These snacks are so full of wonderful, smokey flavors that they will make their tail wag happily. Now grab a bag and add something extra special to your dog’s day!

Your scent or the natural pheromones you emit

Dogs are naturally drawn to the fragrance of some humans because they have a highly developed sense of smell. They may find their scents alluring or it may bring back memories of a past owner.

Dogs can also sense pheromones, which are organic compounds that are released via our skin. Some people may be more appealing to dogs due to these pheromones. Therefore, the pheromones you release and your inherent aroma may be drawing canines to you!

You radiate good vibes

One of the best reasons dogs like you? You have a good aura. Canines are attracted to persons who have an optimistic attitude toward life and can sense your energy.

Dogs will naturally gravitate toward you if you radiate happiness. They will undoubtedly notice whether you project joy via your vocal communication, body language, or facial emotions!

Your behavior towards them is consistent

Dogs really like human relationships that are respectful and consistent. Dogs will learn to trust and feel at ease in your presence if you consistently treat them with compassion, respect, and patience.

They like your consistency and dependability, and they may want to spend more time with you as a result of this positive connection.

You “communicate” with them better than other people

When interacting with dogs, having a basic understanding of dog behavior may be quite helpful. Because not many people can “speak” a dog’s language.

They can’t talk of course, but their vocalization and body language speak more than a thousand words. If you are a dog person it’s easier for you to understand these cues.

Dogs may feel more comfortable and secure with you because of this familiarity.

Bottom line:

Dogs certainly love humans, as the data suggests, although in a variety of ways. The secret to keeping this love alive? You and your dog should respect each other and have a healthy interaction.

Our dogs will continue to speak with us if we listen to what they have to say and respect their thoughts and emotions. This kind of interaction will strengthen any link between us and our pets.

If you are lucky to have a dog in your life make sure you make their life the best because no human connection can or will be deeper than the one you have with your dog.

Before leaving, let your heart melt one more time and check out 14 Lap Dog Breeds Stick to Their Owners Like Glue


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