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The 8 Most Intelligent Dog Breeds

intelligent dog breeds
Photo by Lisjatina from

6. Shetland Sheepdog

Here, we have another herding breed originally from Scotland: the Shetland sheepdog. This small to medium-sized dog has a kind and lively disposition that makes it great for families and active individuals. It is very trainable and flourishes in environments where it can engage in activities like obedience training or enjoy playtime with its family members.

One thing about shelties, as they are also known, is that they may bark excessively. Training can help, but if your downstairs neighbors are easily annoyed, think twice before bringing one of these cuties into your home.

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intelligent dog breeds

The 8 Most Intelligent Dog Breeds

6. Shetland Sheepdog Here, we have another herding breed originally from Scotland: the Shetland sheepdog. This small to medium-sized dog has a kind and lively

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