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These 9 Dog Breeds Have the Lowest IQ

Scottish terrier
Photo by Olga_i from

9. Scottish Terrier

It is possible that the Scottish Terrier’s aptitude for learning has been mistaken for a comprehension issue because their big personalities make it occasionally difficult to educate them.

Did you know that these fluffy pups were first developed as micers? In fact, a 17th-century laird was so impressed with their skills that he referred to them as “diehard” dogs.

The main reason they are on this list is not that they are genuinely dumb, but rather because they are exceptionally “diehard” trainees that will decide to not listen to your rules simply because they want to.

They might not listen to you, but they are known for their propensity to defend their owner at any cost.

…Do you have a pup? Are they hard to train? We are curious to know, so leave a comment down below!

…Americans love dogs, but do you know the breeds they love the most? Check this article to find out: 10 Most Popular Dog Breeds in America!

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