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9 Animals That Will Be Gone From This Earth Before You Are

Photo by Ross Mahon from Shutterstock

Sunda Island Tiger

Sunda Island tigers, sometimes known as Sumatran tigers, are the world’s smallest tiger breed, weighing up to 140 kg. For comparison, Amur tigers are the largest of all big cats, with males weighing up to two times as much as Sunda Island tigers. They are also extremely rare, with only 600 in the wild and only seen on the Indonesian island of Sumatra.

South-east Asia’s human population has almost doubled during the 1980s, from 357 million in 1980 to roughly 668 million in 2020. This has had a significant effect on tiger populations, which have been declining side by side with their habitats.

Sunda Island tigers are more likely to come across humans as settlements spread in the region, possibly leading to an increase in human-tiger conflict. Tiger hunting and the illicit trade of tiger products and parts pose other significant threats to their future.

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