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These Cats’ Fur Markings Are Out of This World!

fur mark

Love fur real

With its unique fur marking, this little fella has definitely stolen our hearts! As you can see, it is wearing its heart on its sleeve, or, if we want to phrase it better, “its fur.” It is impossible not to feel at least a little bit of joy when looking at its playful eyes and mischievous expression.

The symbol of the “heart,” as we know it today, is recognized all around the world as the no. 1 representation of romantic love and affection. Its historical origins are still unknown, but there are many possible options. Some say it comes from the shape of the ivy leaves, which represent fidelity; others say it represents the soul and the spiritual being.

No matter its origins and meaning, when we see a heart, we instantly think of love, and this adorable kitten makes everything so much better!

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