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Dog Finds Woman Who Was In A Car Wreck And Drags Her To Safety

A dog named Hero lived up to his namesake when he rescued a woman quite heroically. She had just gotten in a fight with her husband and had cloudy judgement. She fishtailed off the road and was ejected out of the back of the car. She was unconscious at first, but when she came to, she realized she was not alone.

Although the woman’s lower half was trapped in the smashed car. But along came Hero, he dragged the woman to safety more than 100 feet when her legs simply weren’t working. She’s extremely thankful for the attention from this caring dog who take care of her when she couldn’t take care of herself.

Watch the video to learn how this do saved this woman’s life.

Now the dog is a search and rescue dog who has training to hone his natural abilities.


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