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Woman Takes Her Newest Puppy To The Vet And Discovers He’s Not The Breed She Thought

She went to a breeder for a Japanese Spitz because that was the breed she had always wanted. A friend told her about a shop that was selling puppies of this breed. When she walked in the sop, there was only one puppy there of that breed just sitting in an enclosure and waiting for a home.

She was thrilled to have such a great opportunity and the dog was priced quite reasonably even though dogs of this breed rarely are. The puppy was only a couple weeks old when she took him home from the pet store. But then her friends started to make comments about the dog and she didn’t want to listen to them.

Watch the video to learn the surprising discovery she made about this puppy.

She was certainly surprised by the realization and struggled because she loved it dearly.


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