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Dog Gets Rescued From Shelter And Taken To New Home – He Hasn’t Stopped Smiling Since That Day

Meet Meatball (also known as Meaty), this Pitbull mix dog who only two years ago was living at shelter and just a number like so many other dogs in the world that live in shelters. Little did Meaty know that a kind woman named Lisa Reilly had seen his picture online posted by the Fresno Bully Rescue. Lisa thought Meaty reminded her of her own dog named Kitty who had unfortunately passed away just three months prior. 

So Lisa went to the shelter to go meet Meaty, where she found him laying on the ground in the hot sun. Meaty was a needy dog at first, they said, but so are all other shelter dogs. However, the amazing thing about the whole interaction was that Meaty just loved the camera. Whenever Reilly would take a picture, Meaty would pose for the photo and give the biggest smile!

When they took Meaty home, they joined him with the other two Pitbulls they rescued, along with two Dachshunds that also lived there, and Meaty made himself right at home! He would lay on the couch with the other dogs and sometimes he would even join Reilly’s husband at the police department where he worked. He was a perfect addition to the family!

Meaty is such a happy dog now, and he is even famous on Instagram, where he has over 30,000 followers! Life surely has gotten so much better for Meaty compared to his lonely days at the shelter! Watch Meaty’s entire rescue story below!

Meaty is one dog who just LOVES the camera! It makes us so happy to see a dog’s life get turned around like this!


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