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The influx of 30 applications prompts Missouri adoption after 7 years

It takes a lot of love and cares to get a shelter dog a second chance.

Ginger, a Labrador Retriever mix aged 9, was living in the Lake of the Ozarks area’s Dogwood Animal Shelter back in March and had been there for more than seven years.

KSDK reports that she received more than 30 adoption applications that month in response to her story. Within days, her shelter announced she had been finally adopted.

The shelter staff writes on Facebook, “We are very grateful to those who cheered us on and kept faith that Ginger would get the loving and comfortable home she deserves.”.

Ginger was featured on social media by the no-kill shelter in early March. Her picture included a sign saying, “Hi!” I’m Ginger! It has been a year, nine months, two weeks, two days since I arrived here. I’m a good girl! Trust me! I just need a 2nd chance!”

Ginger quickly gained widespread support on Instagram, with many sites sharing her post-including Mission Driven, a clothing line dedicated to animal welfare, and PawsUp, Ellen DeGeneres’ adoptable dog account.

In response, Dogwood Animal Shelter posted an update on its Facebook page, clarifying that Ginger had been unable to be adopted for a long time because of health issues, behavioral problems, and other issues.

Dogwood staff and volunteers “diligently” addressed those issues and found her a home, wrote the authors, noting that Ginger “is and has been adoptable,” but that she needs to live in a home without other pets or young children.

As they caption a video of Ginger playing with a chew toy, they say, “that narrowed the options, but we never give up trying.”

We received over 30 applications from New York to Texas to Canada in just a few days, and the staff at Dogwood reviewed every application to find Ginger the perfect home.

Two days after their initial post, they write on Facebook, “Thank you for your interest in Ginger.”. We have received many adoption applications, and we are reviewing them diligently. Please be patient as we find her a forever home.

Ginger found that home. It was the right match for her, as her new owner had no kids, no other pets, and even experience caring for dogs with similar dispositions.

In an interview with KSDK, Keen expressed hope that Ginger’s story would help the other animals the shelter has available for adoption.



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