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8 Subtle Signs Your Dog Is Constipated

best dog foods your dog is constipated
Photo by alexei_tm from Shutterstock

How to help them

When your dog is constipated, your first instinct could be to solve the problem at home. But it’s worth noting that in some cases, your dog might require an emergency trip to the vet.

If you want to learn how to determine when it’s the right time to do that, here are a couple of tips:

When it’s time to go to the vet

Lethargy, decreased appetite, vocalizing, and even vomiting might show a severe case of constipation. If you spot any of these, or even worse, all of them at once, it’s time to call your vet.

Whatever you might be doing, just don’t try to manage the condition at home. If your dog hasn’t had a bowel movement in the last 72 hours, then it might be time to call the vet.

If two days have gone by and still nothing has happened, here’s what you need to do:

  • First, make sure your dog can pee. It’s much easier to mistake straining to urinate for straining to defecate. If he isn’t able to pee, then that is 100% a medical emergency that should be fixed right away.
  • If your dog can poop, check the consistency of the stool and also check if there’s any evidence of diarrhea. If there’s blood in his stool, it’s time to go to the vet.
  • Check your dog’s rear end and see if there’s any redness, swelling, or even open sores.
  • If you notice any of these, then you must go to the vet.
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