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These 9 Fearful Dog Breeds Get Scared of Their Own Shadow

fearful dog breeds
Photo by smrm1977 from Shutterstock

What are fearful dog breeds afraid of?

Moreover, there’s a study conducted by the College of Helsinki in Finland that evaluated the behavior of 13,700 dogs of 22 different breeds to determine the most important environmental factors for non-social anxiety in dogs.

Some of them are fireworks, thunder, heights, and fear of strangers and the unknown.

These researchers concluded on the importance of socialization, the presence of other individuals, age, physical activity, and a positive environment for the development of the dog’s self-confidence.

As it turns out, body composition and size play a highly important role in understanding the manifestations of fear in dogs of different breeds.

Generally, small dogs showed a greater predisposition to fear than large ones. Here are the most fearful dog breeds you will ever meet:

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