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9 Worst-Behaved Dog Breeds That Will Give You a Headache

worst-behaved dog breeds
Photo by areporter from Shutterstock

9. Siberian Husky

Cute, fluffy, and with icy blue eyes—yes, that’s the Siberian husky. Adapted to a cold environment, the Siberian husky’s thick fur needs proper grooming to keep it tangle-free. Since they are super energic, they won’t get tired easily; that’s why they need a lot of space to run freely. If they don’t get enough physical exercise throughout the day, they will be bored and might “destroy” some stuff around the house.

Important note: If you want to adopt a Siberian husky, it’s preferable to raise it alone since they don’t get along well with other dogs or pets in general.

This was our list of 9 worst-behaved dog breeds, and if you happen to already own one of them, now you understand why they behave in such a weird manner. But fortunately, there is light at the end of the tunnel because you can easily ask for professional help when it comes to training.

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