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Watch The Pure Joy When a Shelter Dog Gets Adopted

The 10-month-old pitbull/husky mix, Ava, recently found a new home, and we couldn’t be more delighted for her.
Let’s start the weekend with a little joy.

Ava, a pitbull/husky mix who is 10 months old, was looking for a forever home at the Hoke County Animal Shelter in North Carolina. There was an issue with the landlord of her former home that led to the sweet girl being surrendered to the shelter, the shelter wrote on Facebook.

Her Facebook profile was posted a day after she had already found a home for Ava, a cute and loving dog who loves kids and other dogs. And that’s how this video came to be.

I’m so glad she’s happy! While her new owner finishes signing her paperwork, she stands up, front legs planted firmly on the counter. Ava gives a few kisses to the shelter staff when they reach out so she almost high-fives them (maybe to see if they have treats in their hand? Sure, but we can pretend!).

Her new mother rubs her head after she moves sideways along the counter, perhaps doing her part of the adoption paperwork. The tail of her car must have been helicoptering like crazy all the time, even though we can’t see it.

Our readers may be persuaded by all of this happiness to adopt their new dogs from an animal shelter near them. It is true that adoptions in shelters declined in 2020, despite a pandemic when everyone was adopting pets.


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