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How Well Do You Know Your Dog? Find Out With This Quiz!

 know your dog
Photo by Stacey Welu from Shutterstock

Who does my dog wag his tail for?

The majority of people would think that dogs wag their tails when they are happy, which is true in most cases. However, if you know your dog, then you also know that it can mean much more than that.

Dogs have a wonderful instinct, and at times, it can be seen in the way they wag their tails. They can be either happy or excited, but few people know that dogs wag their tails when they want to express any kind of emotion whatsoever, like nervousness or anxiety.

The best way to learn more about your dog’s thoughts is to see under what circumstances he wags his tail. Next time, you will know what he thinks and how he feels!

Does my dog dream?

It’s not so uncommon to notice your dog twitching or letting out a quiet bark or growl while he is deeply sleeping.

If you never knew why it happens, well, today you’re going to find out! It seems that dogs dream just as much as we do.

On top of that, they go through something known as a REM state of sleep, when it’s most likely for them to dream.

What’s even more interesting is that puppies and older dogs seem to dream way more often than middle-aged dogs, and if you’ve ever had a dog, then you know this is true.

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