Zevedei Danielhttps://cuteanimalplanet.comdanzevedei@yahoo.comunsubscribesadsqdDelainahttps://cuteanimalplanet.comdelainas@yahoo.comCease and desist Cease and desist all contact. Patrice Teilmannhttps://cuteanimalplanet.compteilman@comcast.netStop Sending Me Emails!Stop it! It’s spam. I can’t get rid of your junk emails!Sherrill Bibbhttps://cuteanimalplanet.comroxybibb@comcast.netUnsubscribeRemove my email from your list Larry Shaefferhttps://cuteanimalplanet.comLrshaeffer@comcast.netUnsubscribePlease unsubscribe me PERMANENTLY!mariluway@comcast.nethttps://cuteanimalplanet.commariluway@comcast.netCutest Looking Small AnimalYou missed the boat - entirely - the cutest looking small animal is absolutely the TIBETIAN SPANIEL - how did you ever miss these BEAUTIFUL - LOVING dogs in your list???? mariluway@comcast.net mariluway@comcast.nethttps://cuteanimalplanet.commariluway@comcast.netCutest Looking Small AnimalYou missed the boat - entirely - the cutest looking small animal is absolutely the TIBETIAN SPANIEL - how did you ever miss these BEAUTIFUL - LOVING dogs in your list???? mariluway@comcast.net Thomas Littlehttps://cuteanimalplanet.comtlittle898@comcast.netGolden RetrieverMy wife and I have had three golden retrievers, they are great dogs. We have been trying for sometime now to find another golden that we could buy without much luck we live in south Florida. Do you have any recommendations for us to try and locate one? Thanks for your time. Tom Jimhttps://cuteanimalplanet.comherron7340@comcast.netUnsubscribe Yes unsubscribe meSharon Thibodeauhttps://cuteanimalplanet.comsmthibs@comcast.netunsubscirbe from alltoo many and never requested theseWhitespacehttps://cuteanimalplanet.comwhitespace@comcast.netTake me off ALL your lists n emails Please unsubscribe whitespace@comcast.net From all emails and marketing forever Regards WhitespaceCoryhttps://cuteanimalplanet.comsandfleas@comcast.netUnsubscribeCute, but way too many emails! Gerald Stelzerhttps://cuteanimalplanet.comgstelzer1@cfl.rr.comUnsubscribe CancelRichhttps://cuteanimalplanet.comrichardvisser476@gmail.comDogs This is a bunch of happy ass horse shit trying to use the dog pictures to get money and sympathy You should be shot in the town square and hung by your genitals or stupid faceT.nethttps://cuteanimalplanet.comtina.murphy519@comcast.netUnsubscribeToo many emailsJacquelyn D.DeJonghttps://cuteanimalplanet.comjdejong0032@charter.netUnsubscribe mePlease unsubscribe me from ALL of your marketing. I am not interestedGreg Reisimerhttps://cuteanimalplanet.comgreisimer7588@charter.netUnsubscribe meI never signed up for your emailsMehttps://cuteanimalplanet.comsgyoung@charter.netUnsubscribeUnsubscribe me from everything Cathy Hineshttps://cuteanimalplanet.commark.g.hines@comcast.neteverything do not ever send anything to any of my e mail nothing ever again I did not ask or want any contact from you so before I contact my state attorney general who is also my cousin and have you prosecuted by the state for unwanted contacted from any of your sites or adds. Get me off all of your contact lists NOW gingerhttps://cuteanimalplanet.comgtedlie@yahoo.comemails unwantedplease delete me from the lists Jewitt L White Jrhttps://cuteanimalplanet.comjadot7311@gmail.comMalteseWhy aren't they listed as being smart & devoted ?Thomas Checchia https://cuteanimalplanet.comaexcel@comcast.netUnsubscribe Unsubscribe me immediately! Thx A Jhttps://cuteanimalplanet.comajluminarysoftware@gmail.comImprove your web presence!Hey, I'm reaching out to see if you would like to upgrade or redesign your website? There are so many good websites out there in your industry with - • Professional design • Clear calls-to-action (CTAs) • Optimized for Search and the Social Web Your website should convert prospects into leads like any other salesperson. Please let me know if you want us to send you a quote to build a lead generating website. We will be happy to share our work and client references. Looking forward to hearing from you. Have a great day ahead. Warm Regards, ajluminarysoftware@gmail.comArielhttps://cuteanimalplanet.comariel.dangelo@comcast.netHarassmentSeriously for months I’ve been requesting to have my email removed for multiple sites through your unsubscribe options. I continuously get bombarded with your nonsense and feel harassed. Please don’t make me escalate this.Howard https://cuteanimalplanet.comhkco@comcast.netUnsubscribe Unsubscribe me Leslie Mark Merwinhttps://cuteanimalplanet.commerwin15311@comcast.netUnsubscribeUnsubscribeC j keenrrhttps://cuteanimalplanet.comcejakabbg@comcast.netJunk emailPlease delete my email address from any and all computers that you have access to. Your invasion of personal privacy is detestable and should be prevented by US law. Thank You.Ehttps://cuteanimalplanet.comyomogo@comcast.netUnsubscribeTake me off all lists please. William Inshik Chuhhttps://cuteanimalplanet.comWchuh@yahoo.comUnscriptionPlease remove wchuh@yahoo.com from all your website. I'm NOT interested at all.Joe Coradettihttps://cuteanimalplanet.comjlcpa13@yahoo.comYES, UNSUBSCRIBE MEYES, UNSUBSCRIBE MEMelaniehttps://cuteanimalplanet.commchrin@verizon.netDogsI am a strong believer that this cant be right ...........these are mostly large dog and from what I see when out is Smaller Dogs......there are many seniors who have much smaller breeds and the baby boomers are who mostly own dogs!Matt Sekellahttps://cuteanimalplanet.comdetonate10@gmail.comYour e-mail : The 10 ____ DogsYou are spot on!! Great insight into the breeds. I have 2-standard poodles (not Doodles) and they are the most intelligent and stubborn creatures in the kingdom! They are curious to a fault and investigate any new smell or sight they encounter. The younger , Anastasia , is a rescue from a puppy mill and was initially quite introverted. She is no longer! Her older male companion, Pete, was not too enthusiastic about having her in HIS house. But he got over it and now the are inseparable.Elena Clintonhttps://cuteanimalplanet.comlakid3@aol.comunsubscribeunsubscribe me immediately Carmen https://cuteanimalplanet.comc-pap04@comcast.netUnsubscribe NEVER HAD SUBSCRIBED. HAD UNSUBSCRIBED EARLIER & HERE WE GO AGAIN. NO ETHICS!!!! GOODBYEJack Guarinohttps://cuteanimalplanet.comJackguarino@comcast.netPlease remove me from ALL email lists Please remove me from all your email lists . Thanks Vicky Cownhttps://cuteanimalplanet.comvickycown@charter.netunsubscribe mePlease unsubscribe me from everything!!!!!Deborah https://cuteanimalplanet.comBoutwell13@comcast.netUNSUBSCRIBE UNSUBSCRIBE button does not work. Please UNSUBSCRIBE me.Toni Jessenhttps://cuteanimalplanet.comtnjessen656@gmail.comUnsubscribeUnsubscribe robert moulinhttps://cuteanimalplanet.comr1moulin@aol.comdont send any more e mailsdont send any more e mailsRichard R Valasekhttps://cuteanimalplanet.comrrv53@comcast.netunsubscribetried this numerous times--please unsubscribe from all!Patrick T Dorrianhttps://cuteanimalplanet.compatrick.dorrian@comcast.netUnsubscribeUnsubscribe meFred Hoodhttps://cuteanimalplanet.comfbhood@comcast.netunsubscribe meI'm tired of so much crap into my puter every day..Lynn Lutyhttps://cuteanimalplanet.comlynn.luty@comcast.netUnwanted emailsThis is the 3 rd time I have unsubscribed. Please remove emailPatty Comptonhttps://cuteanimalplanet.compattyjill@comcast.netUnsubscribeI have too many, many, many, emails!!Danahttps://cuteanimalplanet.comicegalaxy99@gmail.comInquiryFuck you for your spamPodis Diannehttps://cuteanimalplanet.comdpodis@comcast.netUnsubscribeUnsubscribe from ALL content pleaseDennyhttps://cuteanimalplanet.comdwa104@comcast.netUnsubscribe Unsubscribe mePeach Dore-Tyrellhttps://cuteanimalplanet.compeachysmilesashmont@yahoo.comPlease unsubscribe me! Please unsubscribe me from all your emails! Beverly Ann Walkerhttps://cuteanimalplanet.comwalkers105@comcast.netUnsubscribe meTake bwalker105@comcast off all your email listswalter rowlandhttps://cuteanimalplanet.comwrowland1@comcast.netChesapeake Bay RetrieverPlease provide breed info on this breed. We have had 4 because of family tradition= hunting ducks and protection for old women like my wife's grand mother 60 years ago on her large farm in Virginia. They tend to be protective and have bitten a few people! Is this normal for the breed? They are very intelligent and learn language quickly - like take a swim. Better than young humans! How does it rate on your most intelligent breeds in US ? Walter RowlandSuzanne M Morethttps://cuteanimalplanet.comsmoret@comcast.netUNSUBSCRIBE MEUNSUBSCRIBE ME PLEASE.Joe Jones https://cuteanimalplanet.comchief20@comcast.netUnsubcribe I didn't authorize these emails. Maryhttps://cuteanimalplanet.comBykerchik@comcast.netUNSUBSCRIBE!PLEASE REMOVE ME FROM YOU EMAIL LIST BEEN OVER 2 WEEKS!!!David Warehttps://cuteanimalplanet.comwareforever@comcast.netSpam EmailI never subscribed to your newsletters. Please get control of your newsletter subscriptions. Jim Gareyhttps://cuteanimalplanet.comjim.garey@comcast.netEnough AlreadyFor God's sakes please enough already. Take me off ALL of your publication lists. If you have a publication, rest assured I want nothing to do with it Your crap litters my inbox every day and I didn't request it.Annahttps://cuteanimalplanet.comaclark@themoneytizer.usAdvertising proposalHello the team of cuteanimalplanet.com , This is Anna from The Moneytizer. I'm contacting you in order to find out if you could provide me with the contact of the person in charge of the advertising spaces on cuteanimalplanet.com .I have an advertising proposal that you might be interested in. Thanks in advance! Have a nice day, AnnaDave Snyderhttps://cuteanimalplanet.comdavid.snyder.17@comcast.net[YES, UNSUBSCRIBE ME[YES, UNSUBSCRIBE MESarah Arendshttps://cuteanimalplanet.comuhclc@yahoo.comYes, unsubscribe mePlease unsubscribe from all emails.Forrest Wayne J.https://cuteanimalplanet.comwaynejforrest@aol.comUnsubscribe Too many emails. Thank you.Greg Johnson https://cuteanimalplanet.comgregjohnson4@comcast.netEmailWhere did you get my email?Helen Hewitthttps://cuteanimalplanet.comhewitthd@comcast.netUnsubscirbeUnsubscribe me.Cindy Bowmanhttps://cuteanimalplanet.comcbowman600@comcast.netUnsubscribe I unsubscribed to another of your groups and clicked all boxes to unsubscribe and now I STARTED receiving others!!! Fraudulent!! Take me OFF ALL your lists. Thank you. Jhttps://cuteanimalplanet.comLimag90@comcast.netUnsubscribe Unsubscribe Paula Henryhttps://cuteanimalplanet.compghenri@comcast.netUnsubscribe PLEASE unsubscribe me from your entire list of emails. I never subscribed for them in the first place. Every time I have tried to unsubscribe, I end of getting sent more from the same address in Bucharest, Romania. Please, no more. Take my email off your entire mailing list. Thank you.Rayehttps://cuteanimalplanet.comrh59228@yahoo.comContributingI'm a published writer/copy editor. I can provide samples of my work. Ehttps://cuteanimalplanet.comezrajames7@comcast.netStop sending emailsStop sending your shitty fucking emails that mean nothing. Just stop L.https://cuteanimalplanet.coml.westbury@frontier.comDr.Jeff rocky mountain Vet.Why is there no Dr.Jeff rocky mountain Vet. at all next week,(from 12/26 to 12/30)I'm a senior an I REALLY look forward to his programs,SHAME ON YOU,BRING HIM BACK.Donna Bailey https://cuteanimalplanet.comdonnabailey9036@yahoo.comUnsubscribePlease remove my nameCheryl Herringhttps://cuteanimalplanet.comsherryfoxherring@yahoo.comUnsubscribeDo not want anymore emailsCheryl Herringhttps://cuteanimalplanet.comsherryfoxherring@yahoo.comUnsubscribeDo not want anymore emailsJoe Lhttps://cuteanimalplanet.comJoe_in_Indiana@yahoo.comUnsubscribeno longer wantedJudith Reece Bartchhttps://cuteanimalplanet.comjudie.bartch@comcast.netUnsubscribe Unsubscribe meCarol Harris Ballewhttps://cuteanimalplanet.comhmmngbrd59@yahoo.comunsubscribeunsubscribeDan Struckhttps://cuteanimalplanet.comdaggerdan666@yahoo.comdaggerdan666@yahooPlease UNSCURIBE me from all newsettersChris Crummitthttps://cuteanimalplanet.comchriscrummitt@gmail.comHow to get featuredGood morning! I love your site! I was wondering how we go about getting featured? We rescued the cutest Yorkie a year ago. He was crated 22 hours a day, drugged, labeled unable to be rehomed and scheduled for euthanasia. He had been beaten and abused. Now he is a very happy sweet boy living his best life. Please check him out on Instagram @sirbentleykingofexton Thank you in advance for your consideration. Chris (Bentley’s mommy)Judihttps://cuteanimalplanet.comjudilanza@aol.comUnsubscribeI did not sign up for your email. Please unsubscribe me immediately MICHELLE LYNN FORRESThttps://cuteanimalplanet.commlforrest83@yahoo.comunsubscribeI don't want to receive any more information from you. Fuck Offhttps://cuteanimalplanet.comgary.forman@comcast.nettake me off your fucking spam e-mail listI have your address, if you do not take me off your fucking spam list I will show up at your office and it is not going to be a pleasant visit.Carolhttps://cuteanimalplanet.comcarol.dehaven@comcast.netanimalsSTOP sending me any e-mail. William Bentleyhttps://cuteanimalplanet.comtoddbentley@comcast.netUnsubscribe me from your entire listPlease remove me from all of your subscription lists.. I never knowingly subscribed, and would like to be free of obsessive emails. I am not looking for any information, or interested in the purchase anything. Thank youDionhttps://cuteanimalplanet.comdion.schneider@comcast.netremove me from ALL your email contactsUnsubsEMhttps://cuteanimalplanet.comesmarion@comcast.netunsubscribe!Please unsubscribe me from your junk emails. The 'click here' link doesn't work. Dhttps://cuteanimalplanet.comjdhs56@aol.comMerchandise How can I get a 2023 wall calendar from animal planet? ThanksDaniel J Ferrellihttps://cuteanimalplanet.comltdan27@comcast.netUNSUBSCRIBEi NEVER REQUESTED ANY OF YOUR SHIT-EATING EMAILS TAKE ME OFF YOUR LIST.Jane Beth Sykeshttps://cuteanimalplanet.comjanesykes@comcast.netunsubscribeI never subscribed to any of these emails I receive and it is too difficult to unsubscribe! I have requested numerous times. PLEASE FINALLY REMOVE ME!Loretta Hennemuthhttps://cuteanimalplanet.comlhennemuth@comcast.netUnsubscribe OUT!Charles Coxhttps://cuteanimalplanet.comcwcox12@comcast.netunsubscribe meunsubscribe meGeorge Bargerhttps://cuteanimalplanet.comGeorgerbarger@comcast.netCamper roofUnscribe meLucas Majerushttps://cuteanimalplanet.comlmajerus0283@yahoo.comUnsubscribe meStop sending me bull shit you fucking ratUnsubscribe https://cuteanimalplanet.comterrithreats@comcast.netUnsubscribe Please unsubscribe me from all your email list!!!!!!Raehttps://cuteanimalplanet.comrh59228@yahoo.comContributing articles/photos/videoI'm a published writer interested in providing articles to your publications. I can provide samples of my published work to your editors. Thank you for your time, Rae rh59228@yahoo.com Roberta Zadroznyhttps://cuteanimalplanet.comflyrobyn@comcast.netUnsubscribeUnsubscribe me IMMEDIATELY! I want NO parts of any of your emails! DO IT NOW!L.https://cuteanimalplanet.coml.westbury@frontier.comZoo Why aren't you showing any ZOO programs?L.https://cuteanimalplanet.coml.westbury@frontier.comZoo Why aren't you showing any ZOO programs?Katherine Merle Brownhttps://cuteanimalplanet.comkathybrown57@yahoo.comYesUnsubscribe meElaine Shumatehttps://cuteanimalplanet.comronandel@aol.comUnsubscribeNever subscribed in the first placeRenee kiblerhttps://cuteanimalplanet.comrenkibler@yahoo.coAll items checked on last pageDo not contact meEdna M Van Minoshttps://cuteanimalplanet.comeddiesgardens@yahoo.comUnsubscribeUnsubscribeJohnna Doehttps://cuteanimalplanet.comD.Enens@yahoo.comThe WRONG animals for PetsYOUR Cute Animals-- are pest animals and should not be kept as pets. Any kind of rodent is capable of spreading about 300 different diseases. Your article has an agenda-- it is to cause problems and illness-- this doesn't belong on the internet-- it is irresponsible mischief.Esther Lambert https://cuteanimalplanet.comelambert7@yahoo.comSTOP!YES, UNSUBSCRIBE ME!Joe https://cuteanimalplanet.comjpyr@google.nrtNot relevant Your not welcome on my devises Juan Pablo Mendiolahttps://cuteanimalplanet.compartnerships.outdoorbengal@gmail.comGreat content ideas to grow your blogHello! I am writing to you because we have looked at your blog and we would like to congratulate you on the large number of posts you have written because you write about a wide variety of topics related to cat lovers such as ourselves. Therefore, we are looking forward to collaborating with you because we believe that both of us will benefit from this process. It is our aim, and we know that yours as well, to make sure that you get the best possible experience when our followers visit our site. We are a group of cat lovers with over 500K followers on social networks and an average web traffic of 2K sessions per month. We leave you our social networks so that you know us - Instagram @outdoorbengal - 155K - Youtube /outdoorbengal - 176K - TikTok @outdoorbengal - 215K - Website www.outdoorbengal.com - 2K visits/month If you are open, we might work together on a link exchange strategy, or we might even send you our products so you can look at them. In this way, you cannot ensure that you will have more online presence but you will also be able to increase your domain authority and increase the number of visitors to your website. Let's schedule a meeting where we can tell you more about ourselves and what we are looking for. When could you meet with us?I am writing to you because we have looked at your blog and we would like to congratulate you on the large number of posts you have written because you write about a wide variety of topics related to cat lovers such as ourselves. This is why we are looking forward to collaborating with you because we believe that both of us will benefit from this process. Barbara Schmelzer https://cuteanimalplanet.combarbara_schmelzer@comcast.netUnsubscribe me Yes unsubscribe meCarmen Hillhttps://cuteanimalplanet.comochill2002@yahoo.comPitbullsPitbulls are not problematic those that trains them are the problem. Just like a child, if you're bad parent and raise your child in a toxic environment you are most likely are going to end up a trouble child/criminal adult. C.K. Leveretthttps://cuteanimalplanet.comcleverett@comcast.netUnsubscribeI have never subscribed to any of your mailings and I don't appreciate getting your SPAM.BeConnhttps://cuteanimalplanet.combeconn@comcast.netUnsubscribePlease unsubscribe my email address.Cath https://cuteanimalplanet.comncburns65@comcast.netDo not want emailRemove from allLance https://cuteanimalplanet.comhlswrob@yahoo.comUnsubscribe Unsubscribe meAnita M Norihttps://cuteanimalplanet.comamfnori@yahoo.comStopUnsubscribe meKarenhttps://cuteanimalplanet.comKrjcookee5@yahoo.comUnsuncribePlease unsubscribe me to all of your marketing.Debbie Clearyhttps://cuteanimalplanet.comdcarey0894@yahoo.comRemove my email Please remove me from email. I didn’t suggest up. Thank you Sshttps://cuteanimalplanet.combbowler66@yahoo.comStopJust stop Julie R Wessonhttps://cuteanimalplanet.comiversonj.325@gmail.comHow many ounces are your bags of dog food?I was about to place my order when my husband asked how big of a bag for $30.00? I could not find that information anywhere. Could you please answer that?Julie Martinhttps://cuteanimalplanet.comwritejuliem@yahoo.comLittle <6 lbs Female Chihuahua Mix with Floppy EarsJim Divettahttps://cuteanimalplanet.comjim_divetta@yahoo.comsubscription Love how I have to try and unsubscribe from nonsense I never subscribed to in the first place. Weirdos.Debbiehttps://cuteanimalplanet.comsd5dd@yahoo.comStop all contactsPlease stop sending emails. Deehttps://cuteanimalplanet.comdianeliz58@yahoo.comUnsubscribe me!!I never signed up for any correspondence from you. Please unsubscribe!Anita Yeehttps://cuteanimalplanet.comanita.yee@comcast.netUnsubscribe Unsubscribe me R Jakehttps://cuteanimalplanet.comlongjohns2z@comcast.netSTOP EMAILING MEplease PLEASE take me off your email list !! PLEASE Maryhttps://cuteanimalplanet.comcolasurdo@comcast.netUnsubscribe Please unsubscribe me from all communications. Joe Blowhttps://cuteanimalplanet.comsttituschurch@comcast.netSTOP SENDING EMAILSStop sending me emailsDhttps://cuteanimalplanet.comd@d.comUnsubscribeRemove meMark D. Johnson / Kao S. Olsenhttps://cuteanimalplanet.commarkdartj@comcast.netUnsubscribeI do not want the content that you are filling my in box with. Richard A. Lombardohttps://cuteanimalplanet.comrich.lombardo@comcast.netUnsuscribePlease unsubscribe me from your email lists. Thank youDarcy L Hedgeshttps://cuteanimalplanet.comchaosmama2@aol.comUnsubscribe Unsubscribe. Too many emailsKim Foleyhttps://cuteanimalplanet.comazkfoley@yahoo.comunsubscribeplease unsubscribe me from any and all emails as well as any other partner or associated emails. thanks.Bobbiehttps://cuteanimalplanet.combob8graham@yahoo.comI'd love more!I'd love it if you could sign me up for everything! I love your content. DVD https://cuteanimalplanet.compaulbtravis@yahoo.comDcddFc Mike https://cuteanimalplanet.commikemiddleton060264@yahoo.comUnsubscribe Please unsubscribe me Phttps://cuteanimalplanet.combettygarza10@aol.comunsubscribeunsubscribeSherry mesihttps://cuteanimalplanet.comtrmesi@comcast.netUnsubscribe Please unsubscribe Arthurhttps://cuteanimalplanet.comatauber927@comcast.netUnsubscribe Please unsubscribe me and my email. Bruce Smithhttps://cuteanimalplanet.combjsmith06@comcast.netRemove me from your emailsRemove me from your emailsCindy Johnstonhttps://cuteanimalplanet.commomjohnston@comcast.netUnsubscribe No message STANLEY GARFINKLEhttps://cuteanimalplanet.comstangarfinkle@aol.comdogsDo not have a dog, nor any pet for that matter. Simply not interested.Joan https://cuteanimalplanet.comfitterjoan@aol.comUnsubscribeI never asked for this e mail don't want it Karen R Thompsonhttps://cuteanimalplanet.comkaren0413@aol.comSmartest dogs So you got me and I’m sure thousands others trying to find the list of smartest dogs and I just clicked on a bunch of commercials etc and never got to the real article of the smart dogs!!! What kinda scam is this???Carol Marienthal-Skaar DVMhttps://cuteanimalplanet.comskaar8000@gmail.comSmartest dogsI was sad to see that you used a photo of a Doberman that had cosmetic ear surgery.Richard zublerhttps://cuteanimalplanet.comrickzubler@comcast.netUnsubscribe Unsubscribe meChristine Coreyhttps://cuteanimalplanet.comcscorey@comcast.netUnscribeUnscribeDebbie Peccihttps://cuteanimalplanet.comdebpech1@comcast.netUnsubscribe Please unsubscribe me Honey MacEwanhttps://cuteanimalplanet.comhmacewan59@yahoo.comNewslettersPlease unsubscribe meTcdyhttps://cuteanimalplanet.comtmckee0818@gmail.comAdoptionHi I live in Silve Spring, MD, and I will like to know where this beutiful cats are ? Thank you for sharing, I will like to adopt one of his smart cats, I'm a cat addicted I love cats ad dogs, please email us, and let me know where they ae located, Good Day ! TcdyAlanhttps://cuteanimalplanet.comnycesq@yahoo.comAdvertising Hi. I respect your need to display advertising however it's hard to navigate through your articles without inadvertently clicking on an ad. I personally don't open your email anymore because of it. Today I decided not to send a forward of your email discussing the smartest dogs, to my mother. This despite the fact that I knew that she would love this article. Are you doing anything to improve the situation or is this the way it will be?Carol Joneshttps://cuteanimalplanet.comcarolj5577@comcast.netEmailsDelete the emails listedCarolhttps://cuteanimalplanet.comtazcarol@comcast.netUnsubbscribeThis is intrusiveShari Wichterman https://cuteanimalplanet.comslwichterman@aol.comUnscribe from EmailsI did not sign up for emails, please remove.Paulhttps://cuteanimalplanet.comobpost@comcast.netnuisance emailsI never subscribed to any emails. I never want unsolicited emails.Paulhttps://cuteanimalplanet.comobpost@comcast.netnuisance emailsI never subscribed to any emails. 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I would like to request a quote for the purchase of cuteanimalplanet. Please let me know if there are any additional details you require from me, and I would be happy to provide them. Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to hearing back from you soon. Best regards, oussama Sherry Gibbshttps://cuteanimalplanet.comindygigi@comcast.netunsubscribePLEASE UNSUBSCRIBE ME FROM ALL OF YOUR ASSOCIATED WEBSITESDeborah Baker Mortonhttps://cuteanimalplanet.commortondebib@yahoo.comStopI get too many emails and I don’t want any. I’m tired of click delete on every single one. I don’t even read themPam kirkhttps://cuteanimalplanet.compkirk57@comcast.netStop newsletters Stop newsletters Mudhttps://cuteanimalplanet.commcwhort@comcast.netUnsubscribe Did not request. All junkSwagatika Majhihttps://cuteanimalplanet.comswagatikam@ad.plusBranded campaigns for your siteHello, I'd like to discuss with you the opportunity to place branded direct advertising on your website. Campaign rates between $6 - $25 CPM from branded advertisers, such as BMW, Samsung, Loreal, HP, etc. with Quick & Easy integration. We provide InStream and OutStream video formats as well as Display formats backed by AI technology. We offer all IAB standard ad sizes such as 728x90, 300x250 etc. We are a Google MCM partner. We also offer an Interstitial unit (average $15 for Tier1 traffic), a Responsive Anchor/Sticky Display format and Responsive Native Ad (MultiPlex). *** We can also get your own AdX account (connected to your own GAM and you can get paid directly by Google if you like). We are working with lots of premium publishers and sites such as Marca.com, WesternJournal.com, Independent.co.uk etc to just name a few (you can verify our ads.txt on all these sites such as Marca.com/ads.txt). Here is a live OutStream InPage video ad that opens after the 2nd paragraph: https://pinoria.com/more-important-sleep-exercise Here is a live OutStream Detach video example: https://pinoria.com/grilled-eggplant-peach-caprese-salad Here is a live OutStream Slider video example https://pinoria.com/home-workouts-winter/ Our average eCPM for video units is $8 with %70+ fill rate. We have demand for almost all GEOs. Sites such as NewsWeek.com at getting $15+ CPM at 80% fill. Our average eCPM for display units is $2 with %100 fill rate. Just give us a week and if we don't meet your expectations I'll give you additional $200 as a thank you. If you are already working with an existing video monetization solution we can still monetize your unsold inventory through passback tags and waterfalls, creating higher fill rate and eCPM to generate additional revenue without competing with your existing solution. Your audience is the right fit for our advertisers’ marketing strategy. Let me know what you think and I’ll get you the next steps. Thank you, Logo Swagatika Majhi | Business Sales Specialist a: Ad.Plus | 151 West Hastings St | Vancouver, BC, Canada e: swagatikam@ad.plus | w: ad.plus Patricia https://cuteanimalplanet.compguevarez@yahoo.comNot yet Not interested in this right nowSheila O'Brienhttps://cuteanimalplanet.comsheilaob@comcast.netUnsubscribe Please unsubscribe meterrihttps://cuteanimalplanet.combigalterri@comcast.netreceive too much not interested inplease take me off and do not put back on any time in the futureBeatriz Zunigahttps://cuteanimalplanet.combeatriz.zuniga@comcast.netPlease unsubscribe meI do no wish to receive emails regarding animals. Thank you.Joanne W Schnaudthttps://cuteanimalplanet.comjwschnaudt@comcast.netANNOYING EMAILSUNSUBSCRIBE IMMEDIATELYRaymond Sarikhttps://cuteanimalplanet.comreslex@comcast.netNo contact Unsubscribed!Kathy Fralingerhttps://cuteanimalplanet.comkathyfralinger01@comcast.netUnsubscribeToo many emailsSandra Tuncilhttps://cuteanimalplanet.comsstuncil@comcast.netALLNOT INTERRESTED;Stevehttps://cuteanimalplanet.comSteveshah@comcast.netSteveshah@comcast.netPlease unsubscribe form all Thanks SsVirginia Kuzminhttps://cuteanimalplanet.comjinka1944@yahoo.comUnsubscribe Unsubscribe me from emailing ghillmanhttps://cuteanimalplanet.comghillman@comcast.netunsubscribe me from all your publicationsPlease unsubscribe me from all your publications.Charlotte Frederickhttps://cuteanimalplanet.comccfjrf@comcast.netunsubscribeunsubscribeCharlotte Frederickhttps://cuteanimalplanet.comccfjrf@comcast.netunsubscribeunsubscribeJudy Harmonhttps://cuteanimalplanet.comjudyharmon@comcast.netUnsubscribe Yes, unsubscribe meCathyhttps://cuteanimalplanet.comcma-31@comcast.netDog infoThe information you were giving on dogs is in accurate and biased, so I am unsubscribing from your newsletter. You should really check your fax and your responsibility when posting about things.Patrica Lockwoodhttps://cuteanimalplanet.comldesignconcepts@comcast.netunsubscribe and remain unsubscribedI would be very grateful if you would unsubscribe me from all emails you send. Please take care of this as I don't want to receive them. Thank you.Patricia McGoonhttps://cuteanimalplanet.compattimcgoon@comcast.netno luck unsubscribingI keep trying to unsubscribe from all of your different sites that I have no interest in but they keep coming. Please make this my official removal from ALL of your information that is way too overwhelming on a daily basis. Thank you in advance for your honoring and expediting my request.Christine J Petersonhttps://cuteanimalplanet.comcjpeterson123@comcast.netUNSUBSCRIBE METOO MANY EMAILS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Mark Flederbachhttps://cuteanimalplanet.commarkfled1@aol.comUnsubscribe Not interested thomashttps://cuteanimalplanet.comstinpilot@yahoo.comunsubscribeunsubscribeCarolyn Upshaw-Royalhttps://cuteanimalplanet.comupshawroyal@aol.comUnsubscribe Please remove my email address from your list.James Ghiozzi https://cuteanimalplanet.comghiozzij@aol.comCute animals Couldn't care less about dangerous cute animals. Care about humans. Period Sharon Martinhttps://cuteanimalplanet.comsmartin955@comcast.netUnsubscribe mePlease unsubscribe me from your list. I do not want to receive these emails.howard kriegerhttps://cuteanimalplanet.comhowardkrieger@yahoo.comviewing smarest dog breedsTrying to find the above info on your site is very confusing & time consuming. Why cann't you just list the 6 smartest breeds aS A 79 YR. OLD INDIVIDUAL, NOTHING IS EASY, EVERYTHING IS FRUSTRATING.Plesae just send me the 6 smartest, trainable dog breeds to me. my # is 443-929-0871 thank you Howard Kriegerlisahttps://cuteanimalplanet.comwakeupyouth74@yahoo.comUNSUBSCRIBEUNSUSCRIBEGail Hoodhttps://cuteanimalplanet.comgailhoodart@yahoo.comBest small dogsImpossible to reach the promised information. Went to ads that were barely related.Khayden821@aol.comhttps://cuteanimalplanet.comKhayden821@aol.comUnsubscribeRemove now.Khayden821@aol.comhttps://cuteanimalplanet.comKhayden821@aol.comUnsubscribeRemove now.Maryhttps://cuteanimalplanet.comtawnykit1@yahoo.comunsubcribeTired of emailsshttps://cuteanimalplanet.comyegher@comcast.netunsubscribeunsubscribe meTim Finniganhttps://cuteanimalplanet.comtdfi2003@yahoo.comUnsubscribe Unsubscribe me from everything Laurali Dufrenehttps://cuteanimalplanet.comlaurali865@yahoo.comUnsubscribeUnsubscribeMary Kinghttps://cuteanimalplanet.comgoldieee_5523@yahoo.comwindowWant a windrow pleaseJulie Millanhttps://cuteanimalplanet.comjmms25@comcast.netUnsubscribe The reason I am unsubscribing is because you had a headline and I went to the article and it didn't take me to anything that had to do with the headline it had to do with your puppies which is fine I understand yeah you want to sell your puppies but that was just too much work for me to get to what I wanted And by the way when I tried to unsubscribe it didn't look like it happened so please unsubscribe mejanet E Fisherhttps://cuteanimalplanet.comfishers365@comcast.netunsubscribeunsubscribe me pleaseShihttps://cuteanimalplanet.comtbless05@yahoo.comMy email Unsubscribe me for EVERYTHING immediately! Mikehttps://cuteanimalplanet.com7742252404@mymetropcs.comMore informationI would like more infoKaren Sharphttps://cuteanimalplanet.comkybrisam@comcast.netKybrisam@comcast.netPlease remove me from all emails Ottilia Fuermannhttps://cuteanimalplanet.comottiliaf@comcast.netdoes not apply to meI am not interested in this addCathy A. Waterkottehttps://cuteanimalplanet.comcathywaterkotte@gmail.comcancellationPlease cancel me from all your email websites. I get toooooo many! Suzanne Feldhttps://cuteanimalplanet.combrave.rings0i@icloud.comReasonI don’t like dogs or other “ cute” animals Daniel Besselsenhttps://cuteanimalplanet.comdaniel@outpush.ioMonetize cuteanimalplanet.com with push adsHi there! I'm Daniel, and I’m looking to connect with your team about a great opportunity. We're Outpush.io, and we offer a push notification solution that creates a new stream of income by monetizing your audience with push ads and boosting your display ad revenues. Looking at your site’s traffic stats we think you'll be pleasantly surprised at the potential revenues you could earn with Outpush. Did you know that about 15% of your website visitors would subscribe to push notifications? That's a lot of potential revenue just waiting to be tapped! With OutPush, you can quickly build a huge audience, monetize it with our ads, and even send your own content to increase your website traffic. It's a win-win! Can you point me in the right direction, or let me know if this is on your calendar for 2023? Daniel Besselsen https://calendly.com/daniel-outpush/discover-outpush-io Tina Hickshttps://cuteanimalplanet.comtinamagyar@comcast.netRemove me!I have unsubscribed multiple times!james hallhttps://cuteanimalplanet.comjm6ha@aol.comunsubscribe me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!unsubscribe me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Carl Richmondhttps://cuteanimalplanet.comcrichmond1951@gmail.comnews feedDo you have a newsfeed for your website. We would like to add it to our Dog Club website? Please advise.Ann Stoughhttps://cuteanimalplanet.comcinamin2@comcast.netStability dogWhat breed of dog would be a good candidate to train as a Stability dog. I had a brain tumor removed 10 years ago and my balance/stability is becoming a problem. Thank YouLawrence Dalyhttps://cuteanimalplanet.comoblio@roadrunner.comUnsubscribe Take me off email listDianne Hendersonhttps://cuteanimalplanet.comdgh1542@yahoo.comUnsubscribe mePlease delete my name from your mailing list. Gloria Fossetthttps://cuteanimalplanet.comvfossett@comcast.nete-mailstoo many what the fuckJay Znaniecki https://cuteanimalplanet.comznaniecki2000@comcast.netUnsubscribe Please unsubscribe william garmanhttps://cuteanimalplanet.comgarmanio@charter.netUNSUBSCRIBEI GET ENOUGH EMAILS-----STOP!Cynthia Andersonhttps://cuteanimalplanet.comckranderson@comcast.netUnsubscribeDo not want any more emails please stop Phttps://cuteanimalplanet.compkoranda@comcast.netEmailSTOP all emails pleaseJanie Denchyhttps://cuteanimalplanet.comj.denchy@icloud.comUnsubscribe Please unsubscribe me.Tammiehttps://cuteanimalplanet.comtsuthers@comcast.netUnsubscribe GET me off your crap list ALL of them I never signed up for any of themTonihttps://cuteanimalplanet.comtoni2003@comcast.netDon’t wantI am unsubscribing cuz I was sent to a screen that had nothing to do with cute animals. Something about a taro card reading. That happens once and I unsubscribe. Paul Frommerhttps://cuteanimalplanet.comfrommerclu@comcast.netUNSUBSCRIBERecipient is deceased. Please remove from your list. Thank youShirley https://cuteanimalplanet.comburnafebt@aol.comSTOPI did not request nor desire to receive any form of communication from you STOPRalphhttps://cuteanimalplanet.comrhenderson1748@charter.netToo many ads, unable to read storyWay too many ads and almost impossible to read the information due to the number of ads. I’ve always had a good opinion of animal planet until now, but these ad filled stories changed that.John Pscherer https://cuteanimalplanet.comeric1pscher@gmail.comAPBTI just find it hard to believe that the American Pitt Bull Terrier doesn't find its way into your list of most popular breeds. I've had 2 chocolate labs, an american Eskimo, a basset, Akita, and yes 2 Pure bred American Pitt Bull Terriers, except for 1 lab all were rescues and I loved every last one dearly but of all the previously listed breeds the pitts ranked number 1 and 2. They were both friendly to strangers, funny as heck, and had a unique ability to sense wether to be protective or there regular goofy selves. I see more pitts walking with there owners, sitting in front yards or worst off all in shelters all across thr country. If we (humans) took a little more time educating the populous about the breed instead of abandoning them, the breed would be more likely to thrive than to be demonized by the media. The breed is an excellent companion and protector and it's not the breeds fault that humans have taken their desire to please and athletic abilities to be used as a gambling tool! Regards JohnMichele Boulangerhttps://cuteanimalplanet.commichelesway@yahoo.comCELESTE KLOECKNERhttps://cuteanimalplanet.comdenniskloeckner@comcast.netsiberan huskywhat are the husky lifespan and health?Ikrame https://cuteanimalplanet.comikrame@smilewanted.comDigital Campaigns Proposal X Smile WantedHello, hope you are doing great Nice to e-meet you! We have global digital campaigns (display / video) from French and international advertisers (Peugeot, Amazon, L'Oréal and many more). If you are interested in these exclusive campaigns, I would be happy to allocate our brand's budgets for your web inventory and find a way to collaborate together. Thank you & best, IkrameSusanhttps://cuteanimalplanet.comsusan.hickok@yahoo.comunsubscribe mePlease unsubscribe me from all emailsLorrihttps://cuteanimalplanet.comlahoward15@yahoo.comUnsubscribe Please unsubscribe me from every mailing. Thank you.Zevedei Danielhttps://cuteanimalplanet.comdanzevedei@yahoo.comZevedei Daniel 2https://cuteanimalplanet.comdanzevedei@yahoo2.comZevedei Danielhttps://cuteanimalplanet.comdanzevedei@yahoo.comZevedei Danielhttps://cuteanimalplanet.comdanzevedei@yahoo.comZevedei Danielhttps://cuteanimalplanet.comdanzevedei@yahoo.comZevedei Danielhttps://cuteanimalplanet.comdanzevedei@yahoo.comDrgnflyangel Truth Seeker https://cuteanimalplanet.comrcharlotte65@yahoo.comUnsubscribe Please unsubscribe me from all emails Richard Behymerhttps://cuteanimalplanet.comrich12707@yahoo.comUnsubscribePlease unsubscribe me.Davishttps://cuteanimalplanet.comdavis6374@yahoo.comYes Unsubscribe meYes unsubscribe me. Content of modest interest. Web site difficult to navigate. Alice wonderhttps://cuteanimalplanet.commarhew2222@yahoo.comUnsubscribeNot interested at all ! Loria Sparks https://cuteanimalplanet.comloria.sparks@yahoo.comUnsubscribe Unsubscribe me from this list!Robinhttps://cuteanimalplanet.comrkstid@comcast.netUnsubscribePlease unsubscribe me.Khttps://cuteanimalplanet.comkellyhaught2@yahoo.comUnsubscribe Unsubscribe Anthonyhttps://cuteanimalplanet.comapositt@yahoo.comYour shitty unsolicited emailsStop sending them to the above email.Diane Spottshttps://cuteanimalplanet.commikeanddiane1@yahoo.comDiane Spottshttps://cuteanimalplanet.commikeanddiane1@yahoo.comDiane Spottshttps://cuteanimalplanet.commikeanddiane1@yahoo.comCarnethia Stewardhttps://cuteanimalplanet.comcarnethiasteward77@yahoo.comMy dog is cute. Can he model for uI am writing u because my puppy is very cute. He is a blue nose pitt bull. Please let me no if I can send his picture 614-707-6278renee https://cuteanimalplanet.comreneecook20002000@yahoo.comunsubscribeI have no pets. Don't intend to have any. Don't want any of your e-mailsDave Lestermannhttps://cuteanimalplanet.comautom8r@tds.netThese 9 Dog Breeds Have the Lowest IQI clicked on the link. All I saw were advertisements.Maryann Bartletthttps://cuteanimalplanet.commbartlett1007@yahoo.comjohnhttps://cuteanimalplanet.comdendanaher@comcast.netstop emailstop stopJOSE Caminahttps://cuteanimalplanet.comjcamina@nc.rr.comMitch Norman https://cuteanimalplanet.commitchn1977@yahoo.comMaryhttps://cuteanimalplanet.commjleclerc@comcast.netDon't want to get any more Don't have dogs Nfellowshttps://cuteanimalplanet.comnfellows@comcast.netUnsubscribe Unsubscribe stevehttps://cuteanimalplanet.comstevemorgan314@comcast.netYes, please unsubscribe meYes, please unsubscribe meDlonghttps://cuteanimalplanet.comdkoselalong@comcast.comUnsubscribe Unsubscribe my email address. Thank you.Glennhttps://cuteanimalplanet.comits2good@comcast.netYES, UNSUBSCRIBE ME!YES, UNSUBSCRIBE ME!Warren DeLugehttps://cuteanimalplanet.comcitigh127@gmail.comTimhttps://cuteanimalplanet.comtmiller1502@comcast.netUnsubscribrUnsubscribetimhttps://cuteanimalplanet.comtmiller1502@comcast.netunsubscribeunsubscribeDEANhttps://cuteanimalplanet.comOWITCHER31@COMCAST.NETUNSCRIREDSTOP EMAILING MECroallhttps://cuteanimalplanet.comcroall@comcast.netUnsubscribe No interest Susan Andersonhttps://cuteanimalplanet.comsusananderson4007@yahoo.comUnsubscribe Unsubscribe Thttps://cuteanimalplanet.comharperstrand@comcast.netXUnsubscibe me from allColleen Schaffhauserhttps://cuteanimalplanet.comcolbean1952@aol.comMost all of your articlesNot sure where you get your info for your articles. Especially this particular one. Two of the breeds you mentioned here are not even on the national register for being known to attack their owners. Pit bulls were not even mentioned here and they are one of the worst. Dobermans are another, thus the military stopped using them for security. Again, report facts not made up stories. Ive noticed many mistakes on various articles you have published. Joanie Hesshttps://cuteanimalplanet.comjethess777@aol.comUnsubscribe No time to read articlesKevin https://cuteanimalplanet.comkltusa@yahoo.comUnsubscribe Please unsubscribe me.Tonkinhttps://cuteanimalplanet.comlftonkin@comcast.netUnsubscribe Unsubscribe ftom all emailsJerald Lutgringhttps://cuteanimalplanet.comlutgring@comcast.netJuanita V Luechtefeld-zunigahttps://cuteanimalplanet.comjuanitazuniga123@comcast.netunsubscribeunsubscribeTerry & Joyce Wubkerhttps://cuteanimalplanet.comjoycewubker@comcast.netunsubscribeunsubscribe me.T Turoshttps://cuteanimalplanet.comTTuros@Comcast.netKindly unsuscribe Never asked to receive. Thanks. Lkshttps://cuteanimalplanet.comsmithlk@comcast.netUnsubscribe Unsubscribe Sandra Kurjiakahttps://cuteanimalplanet.comsanlee70@comcast.netUnsubscribe Unsubscribe meLongust Timhttps://cuteanimalplanet.comtimlongust@comcast.netUnsubscribe XxBryan Grantomhttps://cuteanimalplanet.combgrantom@gmail.comLoren Moracehttps://cuteanimalplanet.comLmorace1@yahoo.comUnsubscibeUnsubscribrSandra nick name. Sooty Corbyhttps://cuteanimalplanet.comsooty1949@hotmail.co.ukBobbiehttps://cuteanimalplanet.combobbiegamble53@yahoo.comSandy Vliethttps://cuteanimalplanet.comjvliet556@comcast.netEmailsI get entirely too many. I get some I didn’t even sign up for. It’s hard to delete them but I appreciate having a list to check off what I do not want to receive.Michael Jameshttps://cuteanimalplanet.comndsusmith@aol.comYour adsI enjoy the subjects you send out, but if the pro Trump garbage continues I will be forced to unsubscribe.Sylvester J Suitthttps://cuteanimalplanet.comjsuitt@aol.comBig Screen TV SetSorry I already have4 large screen TV sets; I have not room for another TV setPaulihttps://cuteanimalplanet.compnicolaides@comcast.netUnsubscribePlease unsubscribe. Too many emailsJeanne Myers https://cuteanimalplanet.comJrmyers1990@yahoo.comDelete Please take me off the email list Deanna Johnsonhttps://cuteanimalplanet.comdee.johnson2010@yahoo.comYES, UNSUBSCRIBE ME!YES, UNSUBSCRIBE ME!Carolyn Coppedgehttps://cuteanimalplanet.comcarolyncoppedge@yahoo.comUnsubscribe I don’t have a pet and get way too much emailLinda Glasshttps://cuteanimalplanet.comglass.linda@ymail.comSusan DeBruinhttps://cuteanimalplanet.comdebrui@yahoo.comunsubscribeI no longer want to receive e-mails from this site. Nick Pobladorhttps://cuteanimalplanet.comnick_poblador@comcast.netUnsubscribe Please take my email address off your list immediately!Rose Tempelhttps://cuteanimalplanet.comrosetempel@yahoo.comUnsubscribe meUnsubscribe me from ALL of the email sites listed. I am not interested in them!Douglas Florahttps://cuteanimalplanet.comsubsailor712@comcast.netUnsubscribe mePlease unsubscribe me from all e-mails associated with your accounts, I am NOT interested.mary stephensonhttps://cuteanimalplanet.commaryjscats16@yahoo.comwebsite navigationYou wanted to know why I wanted to unsubscribe. The reason, I am trying to read an article and it is bad enough it is full of ads, but to have to go to the bottom and navigate to each page to finishing reading the article is ridiculous. Wasn't necessarily that interested, but might have actually went through it, if only you had it more user friendly. All it did was aggravate me to the point, not only did I not want to waste my time reading it, but decided to unsubscribe so that I no longer waste my time. My site is TwoFelines.com and is a clean usable site... would be nice if you at least respected your readers, instead of slamming ads at them. Horrible experience.Laurahttps://cuteanimalplanet.comlaura.prensa@agenciasubido.comInteresting ProposalHello! My name is Laura and I am very happy to greet you. I wanted to write to you because I thought it would be interesting to discuss the possibility of your business appearing every month in digital newspapers as news to position it at the top of the internet, i.e. with real articles in the newspaper that are not marked as advertising and are not deleted. The news is published by more than sixty newspapers of great authority to improve the positioning of your website and reputation. Could you provide me with a phone number to offer you up to two months free of charge? Thank youSharon Furrowhttps://cuteanimalplanet.comsfyz@aol.comSharonhttps://cuteanimalplanet.combarefootsharon@yahoo.comLisa Greenehttps://cuteanimalplanet.comlisaforjp@yahoo.comUnsubscribe meSusan Newmanhttps://cuteanimalplanet.comsnewmanq@comcast.netI don’t need all of these advertisements I’m older and don’t want all of these advertisements I just end up deleting without even reading! Please unsubscribe me thank you! Susan Newmanhttps://cuteanimalplanet.comsnewmanq@comcast.netI don’t need all of these advertisements I’m older and don’t want all of these advertisements I just end up deleting without even reading! Please unsubscribe me thank you! Susan Newmanhttps://cuteanimalplanet.comsnewmanq@comcast.netI don’t need all of these advertisements I’m older and don’t want all of these advertisements I just end up deleting without even reading! Please unsubscribe me thank you! David Lewis https://cuteanimalplanet.comlewisdsvid760@yahoo.comNone Yes unsubscribe me Peterhttps://cuteanimalplanet.competer_kovach2003@yahoo.comWhy I Want to UnsubscribeYour site is an unmitigated disaster of deceptive prompts, advertising exploitation. If you advertise a subject--like 9 most affectionate dog breeds, don't mire it in flood of advertising prompts and pop-ups. It's folks like you that are making a lot of us tune out of much internet, e-mail content. Fix it or drop me! Peter KMary MacPhersonhttps://cuteanimalplanet.commmmacp@yahoo.complease unsubsubscribePlease unsubscribe me from all lists. I no longer have the eyesight to read them ThankhojJohn Evanshttps://cuteanimalplanet.comnhldrw19@yahoo.com10 worst breed article you morons know nothing about Dobermans! show me some bite numbers? show me some attack numbers? you will not find them! stop with the BULL SHIT about Dobermans 1 of the greatest breeds ever bread!Johnhttps://cuteanimalplanet.compcjackod@aol.comunsubscribeyes please unsubscribe meMsShane Smith Barneshttps://cuteanimalplanet.comMsSSB58@yahoo.com“HOW and WHY”!!!How did you even get my email address — in the FIRST PLACE!!!! I do not even like PETS!!! AT ALL!!! I would have never sent you my email address!!! And what’s makes you think that I want to receive any of this CRAP that you have listed below too!!!! PLEASE REMOVE MY EMAIL FROM EVERYTHING!!! This is clearly a violation of my PRIVACY!!! Thank You and Good-Bye!!!L Moorehttps://cuteanimalplanet.comLMooreBraneon@yahoo.comUNSUBSCRIBE ME!!I don't even own an animal, but some how I'm on your mailing list. Please remove me right away...L Moorehttps://cuteanimalplanet.comLMooreBraneon@yahoo.comUNSUBSCRIBE ME!!I don't even own an animal, but some how I'm on your mailing list. Please remove me right away...Anetta Bartletthttps://cuteanimalplanet.comannieok7@yahoo.comUnsubscribe Unsubscribe Yvette Lespier https://cuteanimalplanet.comgalfrnyc@yahoo.comKehttps://cuteanimalplanet.comwtskei8@aol.comYES, UNSUBSCRIBE MEYES, UNSUBSCRIBE MEBen Doverhttps://cuteanimalplanet.comcdbackupsnow@yahoo.comI would like to donatea big fat FUCK YOU to you spamming pieces of shit. STOP FUCKING SPAMMING MY INBOX!Volodymyrhttps://cuteanimalplanet.comvladimir.bazdyrov@adskeeper.comCooperation with cuteanimalplanet.comHi My name is Volodymyr, I represent AdsKeeper.com - a native traffic monetization platform. Please, let me know whom I should talk to about the further details of cooperation with cuteanimalplanet.com? Best regards, Volodymyr B., AdsKeeper skype: limbotm telegram: @bazdyrov Janehttps://cuteanimalplanet.comjanem406@comcast.netLaurahttps://cuteanimalplanet.commetoo311@yahoo.comUnsubscribe meYes, unsubscribe meTomhttps://cuteanimalplanet.combaughant@yahoo.comUnsubscribe meUnsubscribe meRosanne Herrmannhttps://cuteanimalplanet.comrosannep2h@yahoo.comUnsubscribe Please unsubscribe me. Thank youDawnhttps://cuteanimalplanet.comdawnrowe68@yahoo.comPlease unsubscribe me from everythingI do not remember signing up and wish to be unsubscribed.Paula Crocketthttps://cuteanimalplanet.commylstchnc@yahoo.comUnsubscribeYour site has way too many ads. You can’t even find the contact you clicked on originally.Yujhttps://cuteanimalplanet.comlam2178@yahoo.comPlease Unsubscribe meUnsubscribe meFredhttps://cuteanimalplanet.comres8s3oj@verizon.netUnsubscribeunsubscribe meHpriley3 https://cuteanimalplanet.comhpriley3@yahoo.comUnsubscribedPlease remove from any and all mailing lists. I have no interest in your information. Thank you!Rosemary Honerhttps://cuteanimalplanet.comroseanyway@aol.comUnsubscribe Unsubscribe meYash Sapkalehttps://cuteanimalplanet.comYash@adsolut.inVideo Ads InquiryHello Team, I hope you're well. I represent Adsolut Media, an Ad Network based in India. We have an exciting opportunity to help monetize your website, "cuteanimalplanet.com." with our Video Solution, we can showcase your content and play ads such as Pre-roll, Mid-roll, and Post-roll. We have collaborated with renowned publishers globally, including iQiYi, Times Internet, Viacom 18, MYTV Super, Khaleej Times, MX Player, HK Economic Times, Pixnet, and more. below are the previews of our player in different formats: Inread: https://bit.ly/Playstream_Inread Floating: https://bit.ly/Playstream_Floating Let me know if we can connect over email or schedule a quick call to discuss this opportunity further. Regards,Kathttps://cuteanimalplanet.compowers240@aol.comToo Much Email! STOP IMMEDIATELY!Please unsubscribe me from your mailing list -- which I never subscribed to. I cannot address anymore email! Thank you.Heather Liming https://cuteanimalplanet.comheather.zanola@yahoo.comUnsubscribe from allPlease unsubscribe me from the newsletter and every other marketing you have. Thank you.David Tolberthttps://cuteanimalplanet.comdavidjtolbert@cs.comUNSUBSCRIBE Please unsubscribe the above referenced email from this company and all affiliated and non-affiliated partners.lynn Dawsonhttps://cuteanimalplanet.comlynndawson07@gmail.comUnsubscribe Do not sell or sell my information as I unsubscribe Joanna orlandohttps://cuteanimalplanet.comormo2000@aol.comUnsubscribeUnsubsidized me from all of your websites please Rhoda Beckerhttps://cuteanimalplanet.comartunltdtours@yahoo.comunsubscribeNever signed up for this. have no animals.maritta croninhttps://cuteanimalplanet.comjammcronin@aol.comunsubscribe meUNSUBSCRIBE ME-IT SHOULD NOT BE THIS DIFFICULTmaritta croninhttps://cuteanimalplanet.comjammcronin@aol.comunsubscribe meUNSUBSCRIBE ME-IT SHOULD NOT BE THIS DIFFICULTmaritta croninhttps://cuteanimalplanet.comjammcronin@aol.comunsubscribe meUNSUBSCRIBE ME-IT SHOULD NOT BE THIS DIFFICULTPatti Hechthttps://cuteanimalplanet.compcohenhecht@aol.comUNSUBSCRIBEUNSUBSCRIBEConstance Slackhttps://cuteanimalplanet.comclslacker@aol.comCute Animal PlanetPlease unsubscribe me from this mailing. Bruce Barhydt https://cuteanimalplanet.combrucebarhydt@ymail.comUnsubscribe Please unsubscribe me from all William Savagehttps://cuteanimalplanet.comwesavage@yahoo.comunscribeSpam, did not join your sitealtaf shaikhhttps://cuteanimalplanet.comaltaf190957@yahoo.comwholesale can i open account for amazon ? thanks Janehttps://cuteanimalplanet.comwordplayjane@yahoo.comIncomplete information?I can't find the 8 smartest breeds.Stevehttps://cuteanimalplanet.comspy2974@yahoo.comNews lettersI did not subscribe to your news letters and I dont want to get any more emails from you. I have tried over and over to unsubscribe but you keep sending me emails. I am now turning this over to the authorities UNSUBSCRIBE ME!!!!!Jane Doehttps://cuteanimalplanet.comjglynn1038@aol.comUNSUBSCRIBE ME MORON!!!If you continue to harass me, I WILL report you to the proper authoritiesRich Floydhttps://cuteanimalplanet.comrichfloyd1@yahoo.comYES UNSUBSCRIBE MEYES UNSUBSCRIBE ME I NEVER SIGNED UPdoris kieserhttps://cuteanimalplanet.comdkieserrhny@yahoo.comroy moorehttps://cuteanimalplanet.comunclegarlic63@yahoo.comUnsubscribe Why does it take a millisecond to get on a mailing list!! But a week and a half to get off? Beverly Paynehttps://cuteanimalplanet.compurplerose351@yahoo.comBeverly Paynehttps://cuteanimalplanet.compurplerose351@yahoo.comGreg Spradleyhttps://cuteanimalplanet.comgregspradley@yahoo.comWeb siteYour web site stinks The article i want to read is pepperd with non relevant information. I want to read the subject I. Choose not other junk. Greg Spradleyhttps://cuteanimalplanet.comgregspradley@yahoo.comWeb siteYour web site stinks The article i want to read is pepperd with non relevant information. I want to read the subject I. Choose not other junk. Jeff Ahttps://cuteanimalplanet.commichigan11465@yahoo.comUNSUBSCRIBE ME!!Hello!! I am getting spammed with too many emails from you and from other companies. Please UNSUBSCRIBE me from your emails. Thank you.Jeff Ahttps://cuteanimalplanet.commichigan11465@yahoo.comUNSUBSCRIBE MEPlease UNSUBSCRIBE me from your emails. I do not wish to receive them. Thank you.Renee Keysehttps://cuteanimalplanet.comrkpnk1982@yahoo.comLow maintenance dogs for retiree'sI went on your site and hit the number 2 and also 3 and all that came up was advertisements about pets. No pictures of the dogs nothing. Bed deal all the way around. Khaleila Bitashttps://cuteanimalplanet.comkhaleila@ad.plusPremium Formats and High CPMs Guaranteed for cuteanimalplanet.com!Hello, I hope this message finds you well. I would like to discuss with you the opportunity to place branded direct advertising on cuteanimalplanet.com We are live: https://www.google.com/ads/publisher/partners/find-a-partner/#!?modal_active=modal-adPlus Are you tired of working with ad networks that only offer limited ad formats and low-paying CPMs? Look no further than Ad.Plus - the fastest-growing ad network in the world! We offer some of the highest CPMs in the industry, with thousands of direct advertisers and premium campaigns. Choose from a wide variety of premium ad formats, including outstream video format, Interstitial, Sticky Ads, and Display formats. Plus, our AI technology ensures that ads are placed strategically for maximum revenue. As a Google MCM partner and in partnership with top exchanges such as Index, Pubmatic, Magnite, we bring the highest yield for our publishers. Our average eCPM for video units is $8, and our average eCPM for display units is $2, with a 100% fill rate. We make payment easy with our Net 30 terms and many different payment methods. You'll also receive your own reporting dashboard to track performance and revenue. Don't miss out on the opportunity to boost your revenue! Contact us now and let us help you get your own AdX account connected to your own GAM so you can get paid directly by Google! Say goodbye to low-paying ad networks and hello to Ad.Plus - the ad network that delivers real results. Let me know what you think, and I’ll get you the next steps., Best regards, Khaleila Bitas Business Sales Specialist A: 151 W. Hastings St. Vancouver, Canada. E: Khaleila@Ad.Plus W: Ad.Plus Ramanuj Tripathihttps://cuteanimalplanet.comramanujt@ad.plusDo you increase 30% revenue by running our ads?Hello, Greetings of the day! I hope this message finds you well. I am reaching out to discuss a fantastic opportunity for your esteemed app/website to elevate its revenue streams through our cutting-edge advertising solutions at Ad.Plus. We take pride in being one of the fastest-growing ad networks globally, boasting some of the highest CPMs and collaborating with renowned brands such as BMW, Samsung, Loreal, and HP. Here's why joining Ad.Plus as a publisher could be a game-changer for you: 1. Premium Campaign Rates: Enjoy lucrative campaign rates ranging between $6 - $25 CPM from esteemed branded advertisers. This includes top-notch brands that have already chosen Ad.Plus for their advertising campaigns. 2. Quick & Easy Integration: We understand the value of your time. Integration with Ad.Plus is seamless, ensuring a hassle-free experience so you can start monetizing from day one. 3. Diverse Ad Formats: Explore a variety of premium ad formats, including InStream, OutStream, CTV, OTT video formats, Audio, Interstitial, Sticky Ads, and Display formats. Our AI technology ensures optimal ad placements for both web and app. 4. Google Certified Publishing Partner (GCPP): Rest assured, as Ad.Plus is a Google Certified Publishing Partner, guaranteeing the highest standards of service and adherence to industry best practices. https://www.google.com/ads/publisher/partners/find-a-partner/#!?modal_active=modal-adPlus 5. Flexible and No Commitment: Experience the benefits without any strings attached. There are no contracts, no commitments, and no exclusivity clauses. You can pause or end our partnership at any time. You don't need to replace your existing ad networks / partners. You can see revenue from day one - we have many high paying demand partners and advertisers. Our ads are 100% quality ads - beautiful and non-intrusive. Net 30 payment terms (payment every month) No contracts, no commitments, no exclusivity - stop at any time. Additionally, we serve over 50 billion impressions per month, collaborating with leading demand partners worldwide. On average, our performance surpasses AdMob by at least 30%, and to showcase our confidence in our capabilities, we're offering an extra $200 if our services don't meet your expectations after a week's trial. Your audience aligns perfectly with our advertisers' marketing plans, making it an ideal match. I'd love to discuss this opportunity further and guide you through the next steps. Looking forward to the prospect of a successful partnership! Best Regards, Joe macdonaldhttps://cuteanimalplanet.comjmacdon286@aol.comEmailUnsubscribe meAlyssa Hustonhttps://cuteanimalplanet.comalyssaehuston@yahoo.comArticle on dangerous bugs found in your himeDiscuss of Brown Recluse but 2nd paragraph in there is a typo that replaces BROWN RECLUSE to BROKEN RECTAL… I always see the misspelled or mistaken auto-correct words. Rhttps://cuteanimalplanet.comroseheartsong@yahoo.comUnsubscribeUnsubcribeBenton https://cuteanimalplanet.combentonayo@aol.comUnsubscribe Yes, unsubscribe me fuck youhttps://cuteanimalplanet.comfuckyou@fuckyouloser.comfuck youfucking agency below is stealing people's emails illegally and sending fucking millions of junk emails to people nonstop! fucking stop stealing information and harassing me, you piece of shit! https://ineditagency.com/Russ Fletcher https://cuteanimalplanet.comruss_russ67@yahoo.comYour website Your website has some interesting information that I would like read However: It is very difficult to navigate through. You have to much redirect going on and like everyone Else to darned many adds. Your articles appear to be extremely wordy. The only thing I can figure is you have gone (like many other sites) the “Click Bait” route. I suggest you clean it up.Maribethhttps://cuteanimalplanet.commaribeth121@yahoo.comAnnieHi. I wanted to let you know I am unsubscribing to your email list. We lost our 11-1/2 year-old Golden Retriever, Annie, on April 2nd. Her poor little body couldn't handle the cancer, and we couldn't let her suffer. So, Bill and I held her and helped her cross the Rainbow Bridge, and our grieving began. Thanks, MaribethDeborah Rosenauhttps://cuteanimalplanet.comdeb.rosenau@yahoo.comDisagree VehementlyI do not agree with your choices of English Bulldogs being hard to train. I have had five English Bulldogs that have graced our home. Not one of them was hard to train. As a matter of fact, all not only did what I wanted them to, but their adlibs of things they did on their own cemented the breed in my heart forever. Currently, all I have to do is say, "time to do the laundry", and she quick trots to the laundry room to assist. Or I can say, "time to take a shower", and she searches out a toy and heads to the bathroom. Or "let's take a nap". If its cold outside she goes to the bedroom, gets on the bed and puts the cover over her body. If warm out, no cover. You need to rethink your list and change it to the 10 most hard to train trainers.Dorothyhttps://cuteanimalplanet.comcrista7234@aol.comNever Subscribed to youI literally NEVER subscribed to you for anything. I DONT know how you received my email. I keep getting OVERWHELMING AMOUNTS of EMAIL from you in many ways. PLEASE STOP. PLEASE STOP. PLEASE STOP. Send me NO MORE. Thank you. Sincerely, crista7234@aol.comMaria Silvia Gonzalezhttps://cuteanimalplanet.commsgonzalez@awg.laRevenue optimization proposal - AWGHello, My name is Maria Silvia Gonzalez Obiglio, and I belong to AWG, an industry leader with over 20 years of experience in advertising. As active Google partners, we have achieved very positive results in our own advertising campaigns. I am reaching out to offer you the possibility of increasing your revenue via Google Ad Manager. We are excited to explore the possibility of monetizing your avFrederick William Edwardshttps://cuteanimalplanet.comfrdk3rd@yahoo.comDELETEPlease delete my name and any information associated with my email address!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Lisa H DuMondhttps://cuteanimalplanet.comhikeeba@icloud.comMost expensive dogs (corrected)Tibetan mastiff ($3,000 to $5,000) Black Russian terrier ($3,000 to $5,000) Samoyed ($2,500 to $5,000) French bulldog ($2,500 to $4,000) Löwchen ($2,500 to $4,000) Cavalier King Charles spaniel ($2,500 to $3,500) Bernese mountain dog ($2,500 to $3,500) Biewer terrier ($2,500 to $3,500) Staffordshire bull terrier ($2,000 to $3,000) GSP ($1,500 to $6,000) Saint Bernard ($1500 to $3,500)