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Woof Woof: 7 Famous Dogs That Changed the Course of History

rin tin tin
Photo by Brenda Rocha – Blossom from Shutterstock

1. Rin Tin Tin, the German Shepherd

Perhaps one of the most famous dogs, and definitely the most famous of his breed, Rin Tin Tin was found in war-torn France during World War I and adopted by Lee Duncan, an American soldier.

Sadly, the rest of Rin Tin Tin’s litter didn’t make it. In his new life in LA, Rinty—an affectionate nickname he would come to be called—was catapulted to prominence when he caught the eye of a filmmaker during a dog show where he reportedly jumped 12-feet high.

Shortly after this, Rin Tin Tin came to star in at least 25 films, many of which were written specifically for him. To say he was one of the most famous dogs at the time would be an understatement.

Before his sudden death, which left his owner devastated, Rin Tin Tin was the unofficial dog mascot of Warner Bros. Studios, saving the small studio from bankruptcy.

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