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Woof Woof: 7 Famous Dogs That Changed the Course of History

bobbie the wonder dog
Photo by veverka7896 from Shutterstock

3. Bobbie the Wonder Dog, Collie-Shepherd mix

Many of us bring our dogs with us on trips. The Braziers did the same when they drove from Oregon to Indiana to visit family with their kids and family pet, Bobbie, an English Shephard and Scotch-Collie mix.

After a scuffle with some stray dogs, Bobbie took off. Unfortunately, his owners had to return home to Oregon. While they left behind instructions in case the pup would turn up, they thought they would never see their four-legged companion again.

Six months later, Bobbie turned up pawing at and scratching his family’s front door. They were all shocked.

A closer inspection showed that the dog had crossed over 2,500 miles in the cold winter season to go back to his owners. Shortly after, Bobbie became one of the most famous dogs of the time.

He gained so much attention that Bobbie even starred in a 1924 silent film. In 1927, he was buried at the pet cemetery run by the Oregon Humane Society.

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