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These 7 Low-Energy Dogs Are Definitely Couch Potatoes

Do you want a dog but are afraid it may be a bit too energetic for you?

There is no need to fret about it! After all, there are a lot of breeds that are considered lazy that you could end up getting or adopting so they can join your family but not end up being too much of a hassle when it comes to energy levels.

Truth be told, all these breeds are not necessarily lazy; they are just regarded as such because they are not as energetic as other ones. Take the Saint Bernards as an example! They have way smaller energy bursts when you compare them with a Chihuahua, but this doesn’t mean they are not active. It just means they have different needs.

If you are someone who is looking for a less active-prone dog that will not require a lot of walks and extensive play time, then you are in luck! We’ve gathered some of the world’s most well-known couch potato breeds here so you can take a look and keep them in mind when looking for a new furry family member.

Just keep one thing in mind! Even if they are thought to be lazy, this doesn’t mean that you will not have your hands full of puppy energy for the first few years of their life.

Otherwise, get prepared to get a new couch buddy, as these dog breeds love to snuggle!

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