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These 7 Low-Energy Dogs Are Definitely Couch Potatoes

Photo by titiya chuaichat from

Are they truly lazy?

Truth be told, there is no such thing as a lazy dog, but rather there are breeds that are considered to be low energy when compared to others. This does not imply that they do not have energy bursts or are not playful, but rather that they will not require frequent long walks and running regimens to keep them stimulated.

If you want a pet and think that a lazy dog would be best for you, before you choose a breed and commit to one, make sure your lifestyle is appropriate for such a task. Keep in mind that despite being low-energy, they will need frequent walks, grooming sessions, and vet visits.

If you are prone to traveling, make sure you are prepared to bring them with you, because leaving them alone for long periods of time would not be fair to them or to you. Most importantly, keep in mind that while they are low energy, each dog has their own personality, so you could end up with a very active low energy pup!

That being said, let’s meet our cutest low-energy breeds!

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