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These 7 Low-Energy Dogs Are Definitely Couch Potatoes

Photo by everydoghasastory from

Basset Hounds

Who doesn’t love the long-eared pups that have charmed us with their antics? And if you have been loving this breed for a while, you will be glad to hear that they are actually a low-energy breed with easy exercise requirements.

Basset Hounds are known for being laid back and gentle, and as long as you take them out for a long, calm walk so they can sniff around to their heart’s content, you will not have any problems keeping them entertained and energized!

Be prepared, however, to deal with their strong opinions, as Basset Hounds are known to be stubborn, so you will have to carefully train them using the reward-based method if you want them to learn to listen in certain situations.

Other things to be careful of are their ears; since they are so long, they can be prone to more ear issues, along with joint and back ones, since they are a short and long breed. The best way to prevent the latter is to make sure they do not get overweight, as this will put more pressure on their joints!

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