Venomous snakes
Why are venomous snakes not the best pets? Well, the answer is in their very name. Their bite can kill you in an instant. If you’re lucky, you might get bitten by a cobra and end up with just an immense pain or go blind from the venom that the snake spits in your eye.
It’s not unheard of for people to take venomous snakes as pets, but is surely is a dangerous endeavor and should be dealt with utmost care. Experts advise against it, though. That’s because if one such animal escapes, you, your family but also your neighbors might be in danger, as the snake can easily cross their territory. If you really are a fan of snakes, opt for one that is not full of venom, so to speak. It’s safer for everybody!
Sure, bear cubs are cute, fluffy and playful. But in their rightful habitat. One’s home is not the proper environment to grow a bear cub which can go as heavy as 1,500 pounds when fully grown. Because, guess, what, they do no stay small forever. They will soon get so big, that you will feel like an ant at their feet. An ant that they can crush with a simple blow of their paw. Do you really want to risk your life like that?
The coati (also known as coatimundi) is a type of raccoon originating from South America. It is also an omnivore, so, not the best animal to have at home. They are also very energetic and hard to train. You don’t want to make them angry, as their denture consists in 38 to 40 very sharp teeth with which they can deliver some very damaging bites.
Despite being extremely active and difficult to control, there are many coati owners out there. Experts warn against keeping these animals as pets, though.