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10 Worst Animals to Have as Pets

Photo by Michaela Pilch on Shutterstock


Capuchins, baboons, or lemurs are all considered primates. They might look cute and friendly, but their behavior is anything but. These animals behave like babies, which includes the daily screaming and mess that everyone is dreading.

But this is not even their biggest drawback. Pet primates are known to go beserk in an instant. Anything can set them off so it’s not something you can really control. Apart from that, they are incredibly strong, despite their small size, and throw or destroy things when they are upset. They can also bite you, which is even more dangerous, because they can be the transmitters of diseases such as hepatitis A and HIV-1.

Big cats

You might like felines, but would you ever opt for a lion as a pet? Some would. Lions, cougars, leopards, tigers might seem interesting for some, but animal experts definitely do not recommend having such animals as pets. They are extremely dangerous and unpredictable.

Some owners think that by declawing them, these animals are less dangerous. Apart from being an atrocious practice, it can affect the animals in horrible ways. It can affect the way they walk, causing enormous pain and severe nerve damage.

Not to mention that large cats are not only dangerous because of their claws, but also because of their large teeth and crushing jaws. One bite from your so-called pet and it might be the last thing you experience. Better stick to cats, don’t you think? Speaking of which, check out these 4 Cat Breeds Most Likely to Attack Their Owners.

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