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9 Attention-Seeking Dog Breeds That Stick to You Like Glue

These pups might be adorable… But they’re also attention-seeking dog breeds!

Dogs bring tremendous joy and companionship into our lives, and while some are content to enjoy their time by our sides quietly, others MUST be the center of attention at all times.

These attention-seeking dog breeds are known for their love for human interaction, outgoing personalities, and desire to be the focal point in any setting. They frequently exhibit behaviors that demand attention through their affectionate nature, playful antics, or simply their charismatic presence.

Understanding these breeds and their need for attention can help ensure a balanced relationship. So, although many doggos enjoy life in the limelight, here are the 9 attention-seeking dog breeds that top the charts and will stick to you like glue!

Attention Seeking Dog Breed
Photo by Barat Roland at Shutterstock

German Shepherd

The German Shepherd is a breed that originated in Germany and was primarily raised as a herding dog. Even though they’re known nowadays as the most widespread working dogs in the military, police, and rescue service, they still fit perfectly as family dogs with their friendly behavior towards their family.

Because of their protection, loyalty, and attachment to their owners, this attention-seeking dog breed always wants to be close to its humans… And I can vouch for that. I have two that are ALWAYS by my side.

If they somehow lose track of you, they tend to develop separation anxiety. So, they require a lot of attention to avoid being distressed.


The Schipperkes originated in Belgium sometime in the early 16th century, where they’re still considered little shepherds. This breed may not be all that well known, but you might remember their nickname, “little black devils.” They got this nickname because of their agility, curiosity, and fearlessness.

While they’re known to be self-confident and independent, they also need a home full of love and attention. Future owners of this attention-seeking dog breed are advised to do a lot of exercise and play with these pups so that they can channel all that extra energy in the right direction.

American Staffordshire Terrier

A combination of a terrier and a bulldog, the American Staffordshire Terriers are intended for a wide range of people because they can provide you with everything you need.

They’re characterized by a recognizable muscular body structure with a firmly defined jaw. This attention-seeking dog breed is loyal, kind, brave, and easy to train. Training from an early age shouldn’t be skipped because otherwise, you could have a dog from the “dangerous” category of dog breeds.

To have a doggo well known for its athletic and therapeutic abilities, it’s essential to allow them regular mental and physical activities so they don’t become bored and destructive.

Jack Russell Terrier

Everyone thinks the Jack Russell Terrier is originally from England, where it was used for hunting foxes, but this pup actually originated in Australia. This attention-seeking dog breed could be described in three words: bright, small, and lively.

Given their enormous amount of energy, Jack Russell Terriers need a lot of socialization and attention. In case they lack action in their daily life, they’re prone to bad behavior and, in some cases, even overeating, which will lead to obesity.

As a type of activity with these dogs, owners are recommended to play ball control, where the owner sets the rules and leads the game, or a game of hiding and looking for objects where they can use and train their sense of smell simultaneously.

Attention Seeking Dog Breed
Photo by Lari Cavalier at Shutterstock

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

The King Charles Cavalier Spaniel is a tiny, playful dog from England. But, since the beginning of this century, the most significant growth in popularity has been recorded in the US.

This attention-seeking dog breed has a hard time with loneliness and wouldn’t be the right choice for owners who are constantly busy or away from home a lot. Admittedly, they’re known as a breed that likes to sit on their owner’s lap, but that shouldn’t be exaggerated.

Like most small dogs, they need to be more on the ground, where they’ll be exposed to challenges and interactions with other dogs. Otherwise, they tend to develop feelings of insecurity, ultimately leading to aggression.

Siberian Husky

Huskies are a medium-sized breed originally from northeastern Siberia, where they were used for pulling sleds under severe winter conditions. Even though they’re still used in some places today for towing sleds, they’ve mostly become a man’s couch buddy.

This attention-seeking dog breed is well-known for being extremely loyal to its owner and often possessive. By nature, they’re a very active breed, and if they get bored, they begin chewing everything in sight to channel their energy somewhere, but also partly to grab your attention.

So, to prevent this, giving them a lot of attention and the chance to be active is essential. It’s also important to note that they shed a lot. So, you’ll also have to spend some extra time on their maintenance if you decide to include this dog breed in your family.


The Dalmatian is an ancient breed with Croatian roots, easily recognizable by its white hair with black spots. They’re unique in their appearance because no purebred canine has such black spots on its body. We all know that Disney popularized this breed in 1961 with the cartoon “101 Dalmatians,” and in 1996, a feature film was made.

This attention-seeking dog breed is very active and loves to run around a lot, and they prefer to do all these activities with their owners. If you rob them of the required dose of activity, their behavior can become destructive over time. I recommend cycling, running, and climbing as the best activities for these types of pups. So snap on that leash, and take your pup for a run!

Australian Shepherd

The Australian Shepherd, a.k.a. Aussie, is a medium-sized attention-seeking dog breed, surprisingly originating in the US. Initially trained to be a herding dog, they already possess sufficient intelligence to fulfill all the tasks you can give them. They like to have every situation under control.

So don’t be surprised when they sometimes try to herd you somewhere where they can keep an eye on you. They’re characterized by the fact that they’re intelligent, very loyal, and extremely active. To stay that way, you must practice with them and spend as much time as you can playing because they don’t like idleness.

Attention Seeking Dog Breed
Photo by ORION PRODUCTION at Shutterstock

Labrador Retriever

The Labrador Retriever, initially from Newfoundland, is one of the subspecies of the retriever breed. It’s widely known as a favorite family pet, and it’s even the # 1 choice for a family dog in the US. This attention-seeking dog breed is famous for approaching everything enthusiastically, with the attitude of “La Dolce Vita.”

Their exceptional intellect goes well with life in a family, towards which they’re constantly protective. Since they give their humans a lot of care, attention, and joy, they also expect to be treated the same way. So, if you always want a cheerful and playful Labrador Retriever around your home, you must also give him a LOT of attention.

Do you have any of these attention-seeking dog breeds in your home? If so, let me know if you agree with me. If not, what breed would you say is the neediest? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments.

Meanwhile, if you liked this article, I highly recommend you also read: 6 Problematic Dog Breeds You Should Stay Away From, According to Vets


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