Short, high-pitched meows
Meowing might come in many variations, and each one of them means something completely different. Adult cats developed their meowing to communicate more efficiently with humans.
Isn’t it fascinating? In fact, the only feline-to-feline meows are usually done by kittens to get fed by their mothers. A short, high-pitched meow is your cat’s way of saying hi to you.
And if you hear a chain of meows strung together, it might be the cat’s way of saying “Happy to see you!”. Isn’t this cute? Who would’ve thought that these cat noises actually meant something?
Drawn-out meow
A meow that sounds pleading or even drawn-out, especially if it’s somewhere between a meow and a cry, is just another way your cat is trying to get your attention.
This time, it might be a little more serious, and it could mean anything from “feed me” to “let me out”. More than that, it might be your cat’s way of asking you to pet it. So, next time you hear your cat meowing like that, you will know what to do!