Now, let’s discuss yowling, shall we? Some extra-chatty cats might yowl as part of their everyday communication. However, if your cat is yowling without precedent, then it might indicate they’re in distress.
If you hear a low, drawn-out yowl, it could be a complaint. In older cats, excessive yowling is oftentimes a sign of a cognitive disorder like dementia.
If your cat is a non-spayed or even non-neutered cat, then long and long yowls could be part of mating behavior. Moreover, if the vocalizing goes on for 24 to 36 hours, which is a long, long time, then it might be a sign that you have to hit the vet’s office.
The noise sounds exactly like the word does: air slowly escaping through a hole. A cat makes this noise to warn you that it is extremely angry or fearful and that it might strike out.
The noise is made when the cat feels that its life is threatened. It is also intended to scare away predators as a pre-defense to actual fighting. More than that, sometimes it might spit inadvertently while hissing.
Next, you need to find the answer to a question every cat parent has had at least once in their life. Do cats hiss when we call them because they don’t like the name we’ve given them?