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These 9 Dog Breeds Have the Lowest IQ

Basset Hound dog
Photo by everydoghasastory from shutterstock.com

3. Basset Hound

The Basset Hound has an incredible sense of smell, but unfortunately, it’s not that easy for them to pick up some new skills. But it is what it is. We all have our own hard times and difficulties, right?

They are fairly intelligent pups, but they’re quite stubborn, which means that training can get very challenging. There’s still good news: you can make them more obedient, but you’ll need to have a hard yet compassionate hand to bring out the best in them.

If you live in an apartment and your neighbors typically complain a lot about noise, they might not be the smartest pet option since they’re known for barking a lot. Basset Hounds love to go hunting, so if you don’t know how to safely contain them, they will go out and hunt on their own.

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