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These 5 Adorable Animals Are Extremely Dangerous

Have you ever thought adorable animals could be this dangerous and vicious?

There are a ton of adorable animals on this Earth! However, they may not be as cute and fluffy as we first anticipate them to be.

A lot of the wild animals out there have adorable exteriors, and this may trick us into thinking they are harmless, but the reality may be really far from this. Many of the cutest traits of wild animals are what make them extremely aggressive.

For many, a cute exterior is what helps them to fool others, and in the case of some venomous animals, their colorful appearance is actually a warning, not a beauty mark.

While we may think certain animals are loveable and endearing due to how they have been portrayed in media and pop culture or any preconceived nation we may have due to how cute they are, these traits may be the thing that makes them aggressive and hide killer survival instincts.

Looks can be deceiving, and a lot of the animals that we have gotten used to seeing as docile and even friendly in holiday songs, children’s books, and even movies (be they animated or not) end up being just imagined traits.

For some, the sheer size of a hippo or elephant is shocking since the portrayal makes them seem less imposing and dangerous.

Even if some wild animals are not inherently aggressive, they can still be vicious and dangerous, and some are known to attack people since they are perceived to be dangerous.

And while we know that the likes of lions and other big cats are definitely dangerous, the animals we have brought you today are unexpired!

Check out some of the cutest animals out there that are extremely dangerous! Some of them may shock you!

cute animals
Image By Randunna From Shutterstock

Red Pandas

Red pandas and their adorable faces are hard to miss and extremely hard to ignore and not love! With their busy tails and foxy faces, this little animal has had a history of being peculiarly named over the years.

In the local languages, they are almost called cats, and while they are not called pandas, they are more so resembling red raccoons than the big black and white bears!

However, they do eat bamboo and are native to the forests of India, China, and other parts of Asia. One of the things you need to keep in mind about these cute bears is that they are nothing like a teddy bear, no matter their size and appearance.

They are fiercely territorial and can get very aggressive when they are provoked.

You may not even try to provoke them, but if they feel threatened, they will stand on their hind legs and take a defensive stance, raising their front legs so they appear bigger.

You may think this is adorable, but this is just a first warning.

Their next moves to attack their enemies are less cute, with their sharp claws and teeth being their first weapons. Not to mention, they can also spray a skunk-like odor from the glands at the base of their tails.

They are no strangers to attacking if they feel like you have a bone to pick with them, and the fact that they are excellent climbers means their claws are always sharp, and just as easy as they can make a run for it, they can also plan an overhead attack.


Winnie-the-Pooh, written by A.A. Milne, has helped us distort the view of these impressive animals. While many of us will think about the maternal, warm Kanga and her cute cub Roo, Australians know the reality of how kangaroos truly are.

They are large marsupials, and a lot of them (especially males) have an aggressive side you need to be careful of.

When the mating season rolls around, men end up fighting each other to win over the favor of females, and they are way more territorial and easy to anger.

Kangaroos are way more muscular than many believe, and they both use their arms to punch and scratch, but also their tail to hit with their powerful legs. They are known to be able to inflict serious injuries, so never turn your back on one!

What’s more, they are not that little! An adult kangaroo can reach up to 200 pounds and grow up to 7 feet tall, and no matter the season, they will protect their territory.

If they think they are threatened, they will not hesitate to attack, and there are recorded human deaths due to kangaroos!

While you may have thought that going to Australia to visit may mean being careful about insects, snakes, and other reptiles, you also need to keep an eye out for kangaroos!

adorable animals
Image By Wirestock Creators From Shutterstock


Let’s be honest, the internet is obsessed with otters. No matter what social media platform you may be on, you will be treated to a playful and adorable otter that chirps at the camera. And it’s impossible not to fall in love with them!

However, while they are adorable animals and they do float on their backs holding hands as they sleep, there’s a difference between those videos and the zoo ones with the zoo keepers and an actual wild otter.

Wild otters are skilled hunters that are shockingly brutal. There are 13 species of otters worldwide, and they are all uniquely adapted to both live on land and in the water.

They are known to hunt and kill the likes of fish and even birds, and for the species that hunt in groups, they can take down larger mammals too!

They will defend themselves, and using their sharp teeth and powerful jaws, they can inflict some serious damage!

The giant river otter can also grow up to 6 feet and are known to be aggressive with those that get too close to their territory; and yes, they do not pull back from attacking humans!


Dolphins are known for their playfulness, intelligence, and for being seemingly friendly. You have probably seen them gliding alongside boats, and they are curious enough to come to swim around docks! This is normal for them, but these smiley mammals have a dangerous and dark side.

Wild dolphins have been reported by a marine biologist to be aggressive with other marine animals, and while they do have a complex social structure in their pods, these have also led to violent encounters between the same pod dolphins!

There are 36 species of dolphins around the world, and they can be found in both cold and warm waters.

There are some species of dolphins (in particular the bottlenose one) that are known to hunt in packs and have a reputation for being ruthless when hunting; they will stop at nothing. Not to mention, some species are known to be bullies of the ocean too!

Even in captivity, they are known to attack humans, and there have been instances when people have died following a dolphin attack, with the animals biting, ramming, and even actively downing their victims.

However, scientists note that these attacks have been brought about by the stress of swimming and being alongside humans, as it has disrupted their normal, natural behavior.

adorable animals
Image By e.borneoland From Shutterstock

Slow Lorises

If you’re not careful, you may end up thinking that these animals are stuffed, given their huge eyes, but they are real! Slow lorises are Aisan nocturnal, small primates that just look cuddly since they are not that great for hugging.

They are one of the very few venomous mammals, even if they mainly eat insects and tree gum.

They have a gland in their upper arm that produces venom. This highly toxic substance then pools in the animal’s canines when they are licked.

Despite their bite being venomous, they do not use it in the same way that snakes do, which is to immobilize their prey. The slow loris generally bites other slow lorises in order to fix any territory dispute.

While painful amongst themselves as well, for humans, the slow loris bite is extremely dangerous. One bite can cause tissue necrosis, severe pain, anaphylactic shock, and even death for those unlucky enough to provoke them!

If you want to get to know and understand the natural world better, we recommend you give change to the National Geographic show: World’s Deadliest. You’d be surprised how little we generally know about the world around us!

Any wild animal, no matter how cute they may look, can be extremely dangerous. Yet, the chances of meeting them are quite slim. However, there are dangerous and venomous animals right at your doorstep or even inside your home that you should worry about! Make sure you’re safe by reading: 4 Most Dangerous Insects That Could Invade Your Home Anytime.


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