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7 Amazing Cleaning Tips All Pet Owners Should Know

Photo by Artem_ka from Envato Elements

#3 Baking soda does miracles

Every pet owner should keep baking soda on hand because it is an excellent cleaner and freshener. It’s also a healthier alternative to chemical products that might harm your pets. Unless it is consumed in large quantities, baking soda is safe for children and pets to consume and does not contain any harmful substances.

Pet odors in your carpet can be eliminated by sprinkling baking soda on top, waiting for 30 minutes, and then vacuuming. The bedding for your dog can be treated the same way.

Also, in case of any pet “accidents”, baking soda can still save you. Mix a part vinegar with a part baking soda, apply the resulting paste to the carpet or couch, wait until everything is dry, and then vacuum. 

Because it can eliminate odors very effectively, many brands of cat litter contain baking soda. If the cat litter you currently use doesn’t include baking soda, you can first add a thin layer of baking soda to the litter box before filling it with the cat litter.

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