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7 Amazing Cleaning Tips All Pet Owners Should Know

Photo by LightFieldStudios from Envato Elements

#6 Messy eating

There is nothing more annoying than having your freshly mopped kitchen floor transformed into a pigpen right before your pet eats. 

The first thing you can do is buy a mat. If you want to maintain a spotless floor, placemats are the ideal solution. You can also find something that is suitable for your home because they are available in a wide range of sizes and materials.

Another tip that can help you deal with your messy eater friend could be purchasing a slow feeder. No matter if you have a dog or a cat, slow feeders come in a lot of shapes and sizes.

Each kind of slow feeder on the market works to reduce your pet’s consumption of food. Some only release a tiny amount of food at a time, while others feature “obstacles” that make your cat or dog take more time and eat more calmly.

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