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These 8 Perfectly Timed Pet Photos Will Make You Smile Today

pet photos
Photo courtesy of Reddit

3. “My dog looks like he’s a floating head.”

Next on our list of perfectly timed pet photos is one of the funniest snaps we’ve ever seen. That’s the thing with pets: you want to take some pictures of them (even if you already have hundreds on your phone), and suddenly your four-legged friend moves around, ending up in a funny pose that you wouldn’t think was possible.

The photo above is the best example; it looks like the dog doesn’t have a torso, legs, or tail. It’s just a floating head. Not to mention the eyes that make the photo even funnier.

Many pet owners have tried to recreate the photo with their dogs, but it’s pretty hard when your dog won’t stay still, not even for two seconds.

If you love dogs, you’ll want to have this dog encyclopedia!

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