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These 8 Perfectly Timed Pet Photos Will Make You Smile Today

pet photos
Photo courtesy of Reddit

5. Friendship is when others trust you

No. 5 on our list of perfectly timed pet photos is one that can’t hardly be recreated. Cats love to chase butterflies. They will run from here to there to get at them! It’s interesting to watch their behavior. First, they croak like a tiger stalking their prey—they’re felines, after all—and then they will sit there for as long as it needs before making the final move. Rwar!

In most cases, the butterflies get away, which is probably very frustrating for the cats. But there are times when, surprisingly, the predator and the prey seem to get along very well.

The butterfly casually sits on the cat’s nose, and the feline doesn’t do anything to stop this from happening. It’s like the butterfly trusts the cat. And this is a moment where you can snap one of the best, perfectly timed pet photos!

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