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5 Surprising Mammals That Lay Eggs

mammals that lay eggs
Photo by John Carnemolla at Shutterstock

1. Duck-Billed Platypus

Is this a duck? No, wait, an otter, right? Is this a mix between a duck and an otter? Nope. This is a platypus. We know that this animal looks interesting, and it has fascinated the whole world for a long time. And people have good reasons not to understand this unusual animal.

It has a duck bill, the tail of a beaver, and the feet of an otter. Oh, and not to forget, it is one of the mammals that lays eggs. Yep, platypuses lay eggs, and then they feed their babies with milk.

These animals can be found only in Australia and Tasmania and spend most of their lives in the water. The shape of their bodies helps them swim, and they feed on small aquatic animals. Fun fact: Platypuses can produce venom from the spurs of their feet, which they use in the hunting process. The venom can kill small animals, but it can’t kill humans.

The baby platypus is called a puggle. Until they mature, they are as small as a human hand and hairless. It will suckle with its mother in a safe pouch for a few months before being relocated to a burrow as it grows older. After 4 to 5 months, the little baby is ready to learn how to swim.

Unfortunately, the platypus is experiencing a lot of danger. Climate change, habitat destruction, and pollution are just a few of them. Conservation activities are critical to ensuring that this rare and beautiful species survives in the wild.

The platypus is probably the most well-known animal in the group of mammals that lay eggs. Read on and discover even more interesting creatures!

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