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5 Surprising Mammals That Lay Eggs

mammals that lay eggs
Photo by David Pineda Svenske at Shutterstock

3. Eastern Long-Beaked Echidna

Here is another spiny anteater on our list of mammals that lay eggs! The Eastern Long-Beaked Echidna can be found in New Guinea and is pretty similar to other echidnas. The main difference is that this species is much bigger than the rest of the monotremes. The color of this animal is brown or black, and another interesting feature is that it doesn’t have a tail.

Their favorite food is termites. And in order to feed on them, the Eastern Long-Beaked Echidna uses its beak and tongue to catch termites and other ants. They have an amazing sense of smell that helps them find food through mud and dirt.

Again, this creature, just like the other echidnas, has protective spikes and strong claws used for digging. Unfortunately, this species is considered endangered because of habitat destruction and poaching for its flesh and spines.


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