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4 Surprising Animal Facts You Have All WRONG!

animal facts
Image By plew koonyosying From Shutterstock

Bees only sting once.

The best course of action is to avoid all types of buzzing stingers like bees. It is a myth that all bees can only sting once, and not everyone knows this about this animal fact!

Of course, bumble bees and yellow jacket wasps are in another category as they can attack repeatedly, and hornets are also a whole other story. Hopefully, you can easily recognize them when you see a winged stinger. Not to mention, some of them will bite you before they even get to stinging you!

However, when it comes to the good old wood bees, they are extremely different. While you are used to seeing them buried in the wood of your porch or somewhere around the deck or home, not all of them will sting you and die shortly after; that is only true about female bees.

Male wood bees do not have stingers at all, and only the females will be able to sting you! And the one-and-done sting seems to be reserved, especially for honey bees! They are the only ones who are going to die after they sting you and go to the big beehive.

The rest of them can come back for a second attack, and you should always be wary of hives, no matter what type of winged stingers they may host. You can never know who you will meet!

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