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4 Surprising Animal Facts You Have All WRONG!

animal facts
Image By New Africa From Shutterstock

Dogs and cats are colorblind.

This is one animal fact that is hard to come to terms with since we have all believed that our furry friends can only see limited, if not any, color! However, this proved to be a myth, as researchers have found out that both cats and dogs have way better eyesight than that!

While it was believed that they are colorblind and can only see in shades of gray, it has been proven that they can actually see shades of green and blue.

And when we take a look at the cats’ situation, they actually have more light-sensing rods (the cells in their eyes) than humans do, which gives them the ability to see so well in the dark,

If we as humans have the chance of missing the doorframe in the middle of the night without relying on the light, for cats, that is never going to happen!

For dogs, the situation is quite different. As opposed to cats, their color vision is not as good, and even when compared to humans, they only have around 1/7th of the color cells we have.

For them, color is not something as good as when it comes to cats, and some researchers have compared their vision with that of someone who has red and green colorblindness, which also means that they do see more colors than the previous animal.

If you are curious about more animal facts but also want to see the animals in their natural habitat, we recommend you watch a documentary on the subject. This series from National Geographic is definitely going to keep you entertained!


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