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Feathered Friends: The 6 Most Gorgeous Birds to Keep as Pets

Though most colors of the rainbow can be seen in parrots and other pet birds, the majority only have two or three dominant colors. But there are a few eye-catching species to choose from if you want to get a new feathered buddy who is incredibly multicolored.

If you’re looking to adopt a new pet bird that is truly one-of-a-kind in terms of its coloration, there are several species that are sure to catch your eye. From the brightly colored parrots of the Amazon rainforest to the subtle beauty of a small finch, the world of pet birds is home to an incredible array of colorful and impressive species.

Six of the most impressive-looking and colorful pet bird species will be looked at in greater detail in this article. In addition to talking about their distinctive plumage, we’ll discuss their personality, behavior, and upkeep needs. By the end, you’ll be able to choose which bird would be the best fit for you and your family because you’ll know what to expect from them.

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