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Feathered Friends: The 6 Most Gorgeous Birds to Keep as Pets

Photo by PAUL ATKINSON from Shutterstock

#6 Jenday Conure

The South American native Jenday Conure is a colorful and exuberant parrot species that is sometimes compared to Sun Conures because of similarities in size, temperament, and eye-catching coloration. Jenday conures are recognized for their brilliant and stunning appearance, with a vibrant variety of hues, including orange, yellow, and green. They are also famous for being lively and adventurous, and because of their tremendous activity, they need lots of space to play and soar.

They are well-known for their highly friendly personalities and love interacting with their owners. They are reported to have a high learning capacity and can be taught to do tricks and understand instructions. They do, however, also have a fun and curious side, so they require a lot of interaction, toys, and a dynamic environment to keep them mentally stimulated.

Jenday conures need a big cage with lots of ledges and toys for their care. They live on a well-balanced diet that consists of a selection of fresh vegetables and fruits as well as a specifically designed pellet or seed diet. Jenday conures also need everyday interaction and playtime with their owners since this keeps them emotionally healthy.

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