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11 Noises Your Cat Makes and Why

cats noises
Photo by RJ22 from Shutterstock


Purring, as we all know, is a very soft and low-rumbling sound that all cats make. It’s also the sound and the vibration that can calm our nervous system.

Depending on the cat, it could be either a very quiet murmur or loud enough to hear it across the room. Moreover, you can also feel a vibration when they purr.

Purrs are mainly produced by contractions of muscles in the throat but also by the diaphragm in the chest. Purring generally happens when cats are very happy, like when they are enjoying being petted, right before getting fed, or when a mother is nursing her little kittens.

In some cases, cats might purr when they are afraid, in pain, feeling sleepy, or even drowsy. It is even considered that they do this to comfort and calm themselves. However, there’s still a lot to learn about cats and their purr, and hopefully, nowadays, science will help us understand them better! Also, if you want to surprise your little bar of fur, get this cat house and let your feline play!

Growling or snarling

Just like hissing, when your cat makes a special growling or snarling noise, it’s just their way of saying that you should back off right away. These are nothing but aggressive vocalizations.

In fact, if the other party doesn’t listen to the “warnings”, then a physical confrontation might take place. Did you know that growling is one of the 15 signs that your cat is actually mad at you?

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